49. Letter He Writes You On Tour

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Hi (y/n),
I was thinking of your beautiful face today and knew you were probably thinking if me too. I miss you like crazy. Not being with you everyday truly is eating away at me inside. Whenever I get your good morning wake up calls I just smile. I know that you care incredibly for me and that being away you isn’t helping. I miss our little girl too much. How is she? Does she miss me? Please don’t say I’ve missed another lost tooth. Tell her daddy will be home soon. Her beautiful smile touches my heart. Those cute selfies you send me of her, those get me through the rough days. I miss my little girl (y/n). I can’t believe I am here across the world not watching my own daughter grow up. (Y/n), it will be soon, don’t worry. One more month until I see you two again. Until I see those two beautiful smiles I won’t be satisfied. Until I here that giggle I’ll still be waiting. Calum and I are writing a song for you sweetheart. Don’t worry. I’m dreaming of that day I get off that plane and step through the front door. Keep smiles on your faces, I will be back before you know it! 
With Love,


Hello Gorgeous,
How is your day going? How are our little boys? I am still in shock that I couldn’t make it to their preschool graduation, I’m beating myself up inside for it still. Do they miss me? How did their soccer game go? I bet they did great. I know how worked up they get sometimes. Give a big hug and kiss for me, tell them I love them. Even though they are four I still remember that late night when the nurse handed me our two bundles of joy. On tour we’ve stopped to write more for the album. On our own Michael and I are writing a special song. Ok I can’t bring it up and not tell you. I in the process of writing a song for you. It was supposed to be a surprise for our anniversary or the first concert we get back home, but I couldn’t help myself.
“Until I see those eyes, I will lie and wait
Until I see that smile, I will hope for fate
When I’m not gone and by your side sitting in the sands
In time I’ve found that piece that you always hold in your hands
I’ll take those steps one at a time, Struggling on new my feet keeping us apart
I’ll and reach for you ahead, Running and running to reach for your heart”

I love you (y/n),


Dear Mrs. Irwin!
I still can’t believe that it’s official, you are my wife! I know you’re just as excited as I am. I decided to write you because I thought, who doesn’t love a romantic love letter more than my wife? No one. Each day on tour has been a new adventure, I think if you’re watching and following all our Instagrams and Keeks and crap you will basically be on tour with us. I wish you were with us right now. It a real stupid rule about who can come along. If I just married the most beautiful girl in the planet, you can bet she should be coming along with me on tour. I am truly sorry that we didn’t get to travel anywhere for our honeymoon. I love you so much I didn’t want to drag our engagement on anymore. I knew you were gonna be my wife since our first date, so why wait even longer. Trust me though dear, I am planning an even better honeymoon. Calum said he wanted to help me and you know how he likes to spend my money, it ought to be a true vacation. After all we’ve been through I think we deserve it. I miss you baby, like crazy! I don’t wanna make you sad, nothing breaks my heart more. So don’t think of the time that were apart, think of the less time we’ll be apart. I will see you soon love!
Yours forever and always,


Dear (y/n),
I am sitting on the tour us staring out the window, pathetic I know, how cliche. It’s the middle of the night, we’re on our way to Colorado right now, wherever that is. I’ve been so restless head past nights. I keep myself awake thinking about you. Oh how I think you. Everywhere and all the time, I’m always taking about you, I bet the rest of the guys are sick of it by now. I can’t help myself I’m in love. You mean so much to me, I don’t think I can bear it anymore. It’s your lips, the way you kiss me. Your smile and laugh. It’s your hair! I love your hair. It’s your eyes, your beautiful, beautiful eyes. I could stare into them all day, like stars in the sky. And your cute little nose. It’s everything you do. I love everything about you. You make me smile. Whenever you walk into the room my heart still skips a beat. When you touch me I get butterflies all over. And when you kiss me, fireworks shoot off. When I listen to your beautiful voice, I swear I’m in heaven. Every time I’m with you I can’t help falling even more in love with you. You are my everything. I couldn’t imagine my life without you, I can’t barely make it here without you. I know this might not be the perfect thing you dreamed of but I can’t stop myself anymore. Will you marry (y/n)? Will you do me the honor of being my wife?

You started crying tears of joy holding the thin piece of paper close to your chest saying, “Oh how I wish you were here Luke Hemmings. I would shout yes, so that every person in town could hear. If only.”
You hear a soft shuffling behind you and hear his voice, “Don’t worry darling I’m right here.”

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