17. The Morning After

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Calum: your eyes flutter open, adjusting the the first rays of sunshine peaking in through the windows. You squint, rubbing sleep out of your eye, finally able to see. Once you can finally recongise shapes and objects, you see Calum hovering only inches before your face. “Oh my god, Calum!” you exclaim in a hushed tone. A big grin spreads over his goofy face, as he plants a good morning kiss on your temple. “Morning babe” he sings, obviously in high spirits. Even though you are generally not a morning person, you can’t really be grumpy around someone as cheery as Calum. You giggle, looping your arms behind his neck and smiling back at him. “You’re in a good mood” you notice, running your fingers through his thick, black hair. “I have a lot of reasons to be” he replies, the cheesy grin still on his face as he leans down to kiss you some more. You close your eyes and let yourself sink into the kiss, enjoying every second of it. You conclude that waking up with Calum is officially your new favourite thing to do.

Ashton: you awaken to loud, distant banging and clatter, rolling over in Ashton’s already narrow bed and almost falling off. You stretch out your arms, reaching for him, just to clasp into thin air. Your eyes snap open, as you look around the empty room in confusion. Where is Ashton? You pull the duvet tightly around your naked body, feeling alone and hurt. Why has he left without saying anything, not even leaving a note? It makes you feel vulnerable. Why would he leave after such an intimate thing has happened between you, without so much as a valid excuse? Silence fills the room and you bite your lip, sadness washing over you. Just as you are about to get up and get the hell out of Ashton’s house, he walks in, carrying a plate of what you assume to be scrambled eggs and black toast. “Hey babe. I made breakfast” he smiles, a hopefulness shining in his big, round eyes. He places the plate of clearly inedible food in front of you, immediatley warming your heart and replacing the disappointment with a mushy feeling. “You didn’t have to do that, Ashton!” you gush, kissing his cheek. His expectant look prods you into taking a cautious bite from the toast that is completely burnt. You can feel the crunch of eggshell between your teeth, but try to humour Ashton. “Hmmm” you give him a thumbs up. He looks at you, then burst into laughter. “I didn’t expect you to actually eat it, (y/n)! The REAL food is in the kitchen. I made pancakes” he chuckles. “Oh thank god” you sigh, spitting out the mess of food into a napkin. “Come on” Ashton laughs, taking your hands into his and leading you to the kitchen, where you both enjoy some quality pancakes with lethal amounts of syrup.

Michael: your open your eyes slowly to increasing light, the world before you materialise bit by bit. You smile because the first thing you see is Michael’s angelic face, smushed deeply into the pillow, his lips slightly parted as he breathes slowly and equally. You get caught up in the moment, lying there and staring at him, until you see him stirring, scratching his nose and his sleepy eyes drifting open. “Were you watching me sleep?” he croaks in his deep, scratchy morning voice, which you find incredibly sexy. “No! Well, maybe a little….” you chuckle lightly. The corner of Michael’s mouth turns into a small smile, as he looks upon you, still half asleep. “You’re such a creep” he mutters through his grin. “You love it” you tease back, cuddling closer into his arms. “Last night…” he says quietly after a while, his breath hot on your skin. “Was amazing” you finish his sentence. nuzzling his neck. “I’m glad we agree. Round 2?” he murmurs seductively in your ear. “Well I won’t say no to that” you whisper back, a victorious grin stretching over your face.

Luke: the first thing you become aware of when you wake up in the morning is how oddly sore you are. Then that your duvet is strangely thin and you could have sworn you recently changed to red bed sheets. As you come more and more to your senses, you notice an arm stretched beneath and around your shoulder, which almost gives you a heart attack. When you turn around, you calm down, realising you are only in Luke’s bed. Flashes of last night’s occurrences come back to you, and you see why you feel so sore. In fact, all things considered, you probably got away easy. You place your cheek on Luke’s naked chest, sharing his body warmth. You feel him shifting into a more comfortable position in his sleep, clamming on more tightly to you, making you smile to yourself. “Are you ok?” he suddenly asks. You look up to meet his oceanic blue eyes, filled with love and affection for you. “I am amazing. But you left me a little hurt” you tell him. This makes a smug look appear on his dashing face, as he stretches lazily. “Well, what can I say….” he remarks proudly. “Can we not get up all day and just order in loads of food and watch youtube?” you ask. Luke looks at you for a while, as if he’s completely fascinated by you. “You are the most perfect person in the world” he proclaims, giving you a sweet and short kiss on your lips, already reaching for his laptop.

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