87. He Teaches You How To Play His Instrument

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The boys were at a writing session one day so you found yourself very bored. You tagged along to be their 'runner girl'. This meant you basically sat around and did nothing except for when they wanted coffee or something. "Hey y/n, do you think you could go find a box of tissues? I think there's some in the other room." Ashton asks, gesturing to the next room over. "Sure." You mumble as you walk out into the hallway. You make your way into the next room and start searching for the tissues. You're soon brought to a stop as you see the drum set sitting in the back corner. You've always loved playing around on Ashton's drums so temptation to play was killing you. "Want me to teach you a beat?" Ashton says from behind you causing you to jump a bit. You turn around to face him with a huge grin on your face. "Do you think you could?" You ask, your eyes lighting up. "Sure." He says as he takes your hand and leads you to the drum set. He sits down and then motions for you to sit on his lap. You do so after grabbing a pair of drum sticks. He wraps his hands around yours tightly ad leads your arms to where they should hit. After a minute or two, you are able to keep a beat going all on your own. "That's my girl." Ashton says with a smile. "I think we may have to reconsider Ashton being our drummer. I mean, look at y/n!" You hear Calum say from the doorway. Him and Michael are standing there looking at you in awe. "She's a natural." Ashton says as he sends you a sweet smile.


The boys were at rehearsal for an LA concert so you decided to join them. The boys were taking a break so you decided to take advantage of it and strum a few notes on Calum's bass. Calum had been teaching you a few notes so it didn't sound too horrible. You kept trying and trying to get the chord in heartbreak girl right, but you kept messing it up. You were getting frustrated to say the least. You could see Calum chuckling at you from the other side of the stage. "Stop laughing! I almost have it." You say trying once again. He walks over to you laughing and puts his arms around you. He places his hands over yours and leads your fingers to the right notes. "Oh! Now I remember!" You say as you try to strum it but failing once again. "I give up." You mumble as you sit it down before facing Calum. "Aw, don't give up y/n. I know you'll get it eventually!" He says trying to cheer you up. You give him a warm smile before hugging him. "Thanks." You mumble into his chest.


"Okay so it's c... then g... c again. Good, you're doing really good." Luke says to you as you strum the notes to a song. You had been dying to learn guitar ever since you were little and Luke had offered to teach you. How could you refuse? "So I actually am doing this right?" You ask with a giggle. "Ehh, kinda. You're doing really well for how much I've taught you though." Luke reassures you with a smile. You smile back and then turn your attention back to his guitar. You strum the notes he just taught you, biting your lip in concentration. "You look so hot when you do that." Luke says with a smirk as he watches you play. You grin to yourself as he says this. "Maybe we could take a break?" You say questioningly while sitting the guitar down beside you. "I think you've earned one." Luke says back. You get on your knees from your previous Indian Style sitting position and crawl over to Luke. He grabs your hips as you rest your hands on either side of his face. You move forward slowly to meet his lips with your own. You pull away after about 3 seconds and look at him with a smile. "What?" He laughs while running his fingers up and down your sides. "Thanks for teaching me guitar." You say giggling. "Well as long as this is how our lessons will always end, I don't mind one bit." He says with a wink before reattaching your guy's lips.


You and Michael had a day off from work so you guys were low on entertainment. This lead to you two jumping around with guitars in your hands whilst singing to the lyrics of heartbreak girl. "AND WHEN THE PHONE CALL FINALLY ENDS!" You yell while strumming a random note on Michael's guitar, "YOU SAY THANKS FOR BEING A FRIEND!" Michael yells this time. "AND WE'RE GOING IN CIRCLES AGAIN AND AGAIN!" You both yell in unison while Michael goes crazy on his guitar, strumming out a short, beautiful solo. You stared with your eyes wide in amazement, "Michael." He looks over with his eyebrows raised as if to be asking 'what?'. "Play that again." You say in response. "What, this?" He asks before strumming out the solo again. "Yes! That! Teach me how to do it!" You yell in excitement while moving over beside him. "Okay just put your fingers on these strings... and then strum this string down and then this one up." He says as you do so. "Good! Okay now move your fingers to this fret... and move this finger down to this string and then strum the same thing." He adds on as you strum away. You were surprised at how good you were doing for not playing guitar. "Wow y/n I didn't know you were so good at this." Michael says in amazement. "Ha, me either." You add with a chuckle as you repeat the notes over and over again. Michael smiles at you before teaching you another chord. You two spent the rest of the day playing guitar with each other.

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