22. He/You Are Sick

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Luke: You lay in bed; cozied up in thick blankets, watching reruns of House. You hear Luke drudge in after a long day of recording and find yourself with a smile on your face. You hear the clinking of dishes in the kitchen and your eyes find their way back to the mounted television. A few minutes later, Luke knocks on the door and whispers, “y/n? Can I come in?” You smile and hoarsely manage, “sure, baby.” He walks in with a tray of chicken noodle soup, your favorite, and takes a seat next to you. You reach for the bowl and he pulls it away, “Who said it was for you?” You make a goofy face. He takes a spoonful and flies it like an airplane into your mouth. You chew and try not to laugh. You swallow and your mouth instinctively stretches from ear to ear. Luke smiles back and continues to feed you small bites of the hot soup. Once you were done eating, you yawned. He put the bowl on the side table and rubbed your shoulder, “make like a pancake and flip over!” You laughed, he sounded about 5 years old. “Now is not the time for anal, Lucas,” you tease. He laughs and retorts, “WELL I GUESS I’LL JUST LEAVE.” You return his laugh as you flip over. His long fingers massage deep into your back, making you moan. He placed a small kiss on your neck as his hands pressed softly into your lower back. After a while, you felt his hands get lighter and you flipped again. “Thank you, sweetheart,” you mumble, suddenly feeling drowsy. He smiles tiredly back at you. You move into him, making him the big spoon. His arms fall comfortably around your waist and, before you know it, you feel his warm, steady breath on the back of your neck.

Michael: Michael had been slow and weak recently so you suggested he take a couple days off from recording and rest. He slept a solid 15 hours each night, unsurprisingly, leaving you plenty of time to make him a little nest on the sofa. At 1pm, he peaked down the hallway toward the kitchen. He dragged himself and his large comforter slowly down the narrow hallway. He reached the island and took a place on the bar stool.  You come from behind him and place a light kiss on his scruffy cheek, “Good morning beautiful.” He laughed lightly and ran his hands through his white blond hair. You set down his favorite breakfast, eggs and cold pizza. His eyes lit up as much as he could muster and he chowed down. You let your hand graze his shoulder as you made your way into your quaint living room. After a few minutes, he slugged over and collapsed next to you. You laid his head in your lap and let your fingers dance along his scalp. You turned on the playstation and opened Netflix. “What do you want to watch, Mikey?” you asked softly, not sure if he was coherent. You felt his shrug against your leg. You decided on Sherlock. You played the first episode. Halfway through you see Michael’s eyes intent on the screen, causing a grin to creep onto your face. You tugged at his comforter, almost on the floor and he re-positioned himself accordingly. You moved through the short series and you felt his body get limp. You chuckled to yourself and paused the show. You hummed your favorite song and felt your hand drift down to his waist. You traced softly on his abdomen. After a little while he gently kissed your bare leg and resumed his nap. An hour later, you were hungry and you couldn’t feel your leg. You gently lifted his head and replaced your lap with a pillow. You rifle through the fridge and you feel a body get close to yours. Mike’s arms wrap around your waist and pull you close to him. His head rests lightly on your shoulder and he says in a low voice, “come backkkkkk.” You turn around and place a soft kiss on his nose and resume your hunt for lunch. You settle on a slice of cold pizza and close the fridge door. You motion for Michael to grab a piece but he declines. “Go to the bedroom and lay down, I’ll be there in a sec.” He nods and smiles sheepishly. He mopes back to his bedroom, using his comforter to sweep the floor.

Ashton: You were on tour with your boyfriend, Ashton, and you must have gotten food poisoning from their favorite sushi restaurant. You laid on their tour bus, alternating between Ash’s bunk and the bathroom. The boys were out and about in the new city. You didn’t want to impede on their fun so you forced Ashton out with them. You got a text every 5 minutes from him. “hey babe ! drink some water :-)” “how are you feeling? text me if you need anything” You smiled at each of his texts and replied simply, hoping he would stop worrying about you and enjoy his time with his best mates. After an hour or so, he barged onto the tour bus and shouted, “I AM BATMAN! HERE TO SAVE THE DAY!” You heard Luke’s hand slap his chest as he retorted, “actually I’m batman and you’re my sidekick…” Michael and Calum laughed and both told Luke to shut up. Everyone but Ash collapsed onto the couches at the front of the bus. Ashton goes to his bunk in search of you. He finds you cuddled up with his unicorn pillow pet and one of his old, oversized t-shirts. He crouches down and goes to kiss you. Your hand instinctively goes is front of your mouth and he kisses your hand. “Sorry, Ash… I’m sick… remember?” you said weakly. He smiled and sat awkwardly on the edge of his bed. You turned your back to him and he took the responsibility of rubbing your aching stomach. You felt your stomach bubble up again and you made an effort to twist out of the bunk. Ashton stood up immediately and took you in his arms. You mumbled incoherently, “Stop, Ashton, you’re going to drop me…” but that didn’t stop him. He carried you gently to the small bathroom. You puked and dry-heaved into the toilet. Ash rubbed your back and whispered comforting phrases. You were done and stood up but felt your knees buckle. Ashton caught you and acted as your crutch. He turned you around and held your waist as you rinsed out your mouth and splashed some water on your face. He carried you to the rear of the bus and sat you down on the long benches. He exited and returned after a few moments with a huge bottle of water, medicine, and your phone. You kissed his cheek gently and said, “You’re literally the best boyfriend ever.” His dimples appeared which made you smile as he responded, “I’m the better batman, too.” He placed a kiss on your forehead before shutting the door and heading to the venue for soundcheck.

Calum: You entered his apartment, “Cal? Babe, are you here?” You set your stuff down and wandered around his apartment until you found him in his room. He had puked on the floor and was shifting uncomfortably in bed. “Oh my god, baby…” you said softly. You went into his bathroom and got all the necessary supplies to clean up his mess. Almost as you were finished he mumbled, “I was going to get that…” You laugh and retort, “I’m sure you were, go back to sleep.” He nodded and pulled the covers over his head. You finished cleaning. As you washed your hands, you saw Cal’s near-naked body blocking the light from his room. You couldn’t help but laugh at his weak attempt to look sexy. “Go to bed, you turd,” you flicked water at him and he smiled. He booty bumped you away from the sink and took to brushing his teeth. You crept around him and sat on his comforter. He returned, looking rugged and tired. You patted the bed next to you and he crawled next to you. He went in for a kiss but you turned head, causing for it to wind up on your cheek. He made some whiny sounds and you whispered, “Dude… you’re sick…” He laughed and responded, “That’s what I want you to think…” You laughed and gave him an inquisitive look. “Babe… I’m hungover, I don’t have the flu…” You laughed and hit him. “I CLEANED UP YOUR VOMIT BECAUSE I FELT BAD FOR YOU,” you slapped his shoulder and he grabbed it. He chuckled and kissed you, which you didn’t reject. Calum cozied back under the covers as you exited the bedroom. You got a couple of advil from his cabinet and a glass of water. You returned and handed them to him. His drowsy eyes smiled at you, making you blush. He took the pills and gulped down the water. You stood up to leave but he grabbed your wrist. He serenaded you horribly, “Baby please don’t gooooooo” You laugh at his terrible rendition of Mike Posner. You took off your shoes and climbed onto his bed. You pressed your stomach up against his back and let one hand fall into his. You used the other hand to twirl his hair as you laid your head gently on his bare side.

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