58. You're Their Opening Act and Girlfriend

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Ashton: You looked up and smiled when the fans began to scream your name. You shielded your eyes from the bright spotlight and grinned, “Good evening Melbourne! How is everyone tonight?!” The crowd began to rile up and they began to bounce up and down, screaming, which made you smile. “So this first song is dedicated to the best boyfriend ever,” You glanced at the left wing, seeing your boyfriend of three months smiling at you. “Ashton, this is for you. This is for our third month together,” You turned to your band and nodded, and they took this as the cue to start the intro to your first song. “When it gets dark we’re falling far tonight, underneath the moonlight chasing fireflies,” You covered Against the Current’s song, Closer Faster because it was one of your favorites. And also because you wanted Ashton to make the move - you’ve been dating for three months, but all he did was just hold your hand. He hasn’t kissed, hugged nor told you that he loves you. “If I’d ask you, “do you think you want to?” Just say yes without feeling like you got to, it’s the way that you looked at me,” But you definitely see the way he looks at you - you could tell he really likes you a whole lot. But the problem is that he seems afraid to show that he likes you. “That night, when the butterflies. They came to life, by your side,” If him being afraid wasn’t the case, then maybe he’s just shy. Either way, you want him to do something because it’s been killing you. “So won’t you pull me closer, kiss me faster, take me to your happily ever after. Boy don’t make me wait forever, oh-oh-oh,” You turned towards the left wing again and see that Ashton still had this goofy smile on his face. “You know we’d be so much better, if we could fall in love together. Pull me closer, kiss me faster, take me to your happily ever after,” You finished the song and you turned to Ashton once more, but warm lips suddenly found your own and you began to kiss him back, entangling your fingers in his curly hair. For a moment, it was just the two of you and everything else didn’t matter, until he pulled away. He rested his forehead on yours and smiled, “I love you.” “I love you too,” you said those words back to him with a smile, pecking his lips softly, ignoring the cheers of the crowd.

Michael: ”I’m nervous Michael,” You said as you glanced toward the direction of the stage. The fans were already really hyped up because of the intro video, and you were on in two minutes. This is your very first show, and you were opening for your boyfriend’s band, 5 Seconds of Summer. You didn’t really know what to do because of the fact that this was your very first show, and the nerves were already starting to creep in. Michael entwined his fingers in yours, giving your tiny hand a little squeeze before turning you around, so you were facing him. You looked up at him, eyeing his newly dyed hair - which was a reverse skunk hairstyle, and then you met his gaze. His gaze was warm and he pressed a kiss onto your forehead, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away ever so slowly. He peered into your eyes and gave you a reassuring smile, “You’ll do fine.” You knew what he was trying to do - he was trying to drive the nerves away, and it was actually working. But then the sudden roar of the crowd interrupted your train of thoughts, your nerves taking over your entire body once more. “One minute till show time, Y/N!” one of the crew members yelled at you and you began to tremble, shaking in Michael’s arms. “Oh god,” you shakily said, breathing in and out rapidly. “Shh, shh, shh,” he began to shush you, cupping your cheeks and tilting your head up so you stared right into his beautiful emerald colored eyes. “Just look at me, breathe in and out,” he instructed, and you obliged, breathing in slowly and out a second later. You began to feel better and he says, “Alright, what I want you to do is go out there and have a rocking time. This is your dream, and I know that once you begin to sing on stage, your nerves will fade and will be replaced with sheer happiness. This is your dream, Y/N, this is what makes you happy.” He says, and you smiled upon hearing his words. This was your dream, you worked so hard to reach it, and now it was going to come true in a few moments. “Ten seconds!” You pressed your lips against his, the nerves beginning to fade away and you pulled away, shooting a wink. “Thanks, Michael. I love you,” you say before heading towards the stage. “Good evening Brisbane, how are you tonight?” You yelled into the microphone, and the crowd’s roaring screams were enough to answer your question. You felt comfortable as soon as the guitar intro to your first song began, and thanked your boyfriend in your head over and over.

Calum: “Thank you Perth, you’ve been an amazing crowd tonight!” You say, and watched as the crowd went wild. “I love you Y/N!” someone screams from the crowd, causing you to giggle and turn to the direction of the voice. You squinted, smiling as you said, “I love you more!” back to the voice, and you took a bow, exitting the stage. You breathed out a sigh, as you scrubbed the sweat sticking to your forehead away with your wrist. You grimaced when you felt your hair sticking onto your skin, wiping the sweat away with the towel someone hands you. “You did really great out there,” that someone says, and you glanced up to see a smiling Kiwi. Your eyes rested on his beautiful tattoo which was showed whenever he wore singlets, and tonight, he was wearing his black Santa Cruz singlet. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth, and your eyes flickered back onto his deep brown ones. “Thanks,” you said, and he threw you a water bottle, which you caught easily. He watched you intently as you twisted the bottle cap off, and brought the bottle to your lips, chugging the water down. You didn’t break eye contact with him at all, and hummed when you finished the entire bottle in one go. You set the bottle down on the table, and he smirked, leaning against the wall behind him. “So, I think you did really good tonight,” he says, shrugging. “I mean, you did learn from the best boyfriend ever, didn’t you?” You chuckled, cocking your head to the side. “What boyfriend? Far as I know, I’m a single pringle.” Yes, Calum has been your boyfriend for almost two weeks now, and you liked him a whole lot. He hasn’t done anything yet though, but you can tell he’s itching to attack your lips right now. He’s been staring at it the entire time, and you wanted him to do something. His lips twitched into a smirk and he leaned in closer and closer, stopping right before his lips touch yours, “Shut up and kiss me, baby.” You smiled, pressing your lips against his, your fingers finding his hair and entangled your fingers in them, tugging on them slightly as you felt him push you up against the wall. You smiled when he gently nibbled on your lip, and you two got really stuck in the heated moment that you didn’t notice Ashton coming up from behind you. “Get a room geez,” he says, as you pull away from each other. “We will then!” Calum says as he grabs your hand and leads you away from the wings.

Luke: “Good evening Sydney!” You giggled into the microphone and grabbed your acoustic guitar. The cheers were loud and this made you smile, “How are you all doing tonight?” You noticed the cheers got a little louder than before, and you suddenly felt arms pull you backwards. You peered over your shoulder and your eyes met beautiful sapphire colored ones, and your breath caught in your throat. He broke out into a grin, grabbing the microphone from you, “So for tonight, how about a duet with my girl here?” The crowd went wild in that moment, but you didn’t hear them at all - it was like you and Luke had your own little world, you two had been staring at each other for a long time. Someone cleared their throat from behind you, and you flushed upon seeing Michael smirking at the two of you. You took a step away from Luke and he turned back to the crowd once more, “Alright, this is Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran.” Luke grabbed his acoustic guitar as well, playing around with the strings as he glanced at me. “And this is my favorite by the way, I hope you guys enjoy this cover,” You say as Luke began to strum the chords to the song. “All I knew this morning when I woke, is I know something now, know something now I didn’t before,” you began to sing, well aware that all pair of eyes were watching your every movement on stage. “And all I’ve seen since 18 hours ago is blue eyes and dimples and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel right,” Luke chuckled at your very obvious lyric change and you giggled as well, he was just perfect in every way. “I just want to know you better know, you better know you better now, I just want to know you better know you better know you better now,” He took a step closer and you looked up into those beautifully colored eyes, smiling as he laughed with you. “I just want to know you better know, you better know you better now. I just want to know you, know you, know you,” The two of you began to harmonize and you sounded beautiful - your voiced blended together in perfect harmony. “Cause all I know is we said hello, and your eyes look like coming home. All I know is a simple name, everything has changed.” You looked back at the audience and see that they had huge smiles on their faces as they watched you perform - it doesn’t get any better than that. “All I know is you held the door, you’ll be mine and I’ll be yours. All I know since yesterday is everything has changed,” you ended the song and Luke wrapped arm around you, placing a kiss on top of your head, making you smile.

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