65. Stay

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"Stay in bed," he whined as you got up out of the bed Michael was still half-asleep in. "No Mike, I need to get to work," you said firmly, you had promised yourself you wouldn't be late to work at all this year. "5 more minutes?" he tried to persuade you. "It's cold here without you, Y/N." He was pouting by now, that boy would be the death of you. "Michael..." "Please?" he cut you off, grabbing your hand and pulling you back into the bed. "Fine, but if I'm late for work, I'm blaming you." You cuddled into his side, listening to his heart beating. "I can live with that, cutie." He replied quietly, kissing your forehead.

"Stay here tonight. No way in hell am I letting you drive through that storm," Luke persisted, despite your attempts to leave and get yourself home at some point before morning. "Lukeyyy, I'll be fine," you tried convincing him, but he stood in front of the door, stopping you from leaving. A clap of thunder sounded from outside, making you both jump and you finally gave in and collapsed back down onto the sofa, closely followed by Luke. "Disney movie marathon?" "As long as you don't mind me singing along to every single song," you giggled, before belting out the chorus of Let It Go, Luke dorkily joining in with you. "The cold never bothered me anywayyyy!" he yelled. "The storm did though, didn't it?" you winked and poked him in the side; you couldn't resist.

"Stay. Please." He weakly begged, eyes red and puffy from crying. You were fed up of always fighting with Cal, it's pretty much all your relationship had consisted of for the past few weeks. And now, after yet another pointless fight, here you were with your bags packed, ready to leave. "Please don't go, I need you Y/N." he croaked, desperate. It broke your heart to see him like this and that's when you realised how much he did actually care about and love you. Tears streamed down your face as you wrapped your arms around him and held him close, regretting everything you did. "I'm sorry Cal, I'm so so sorry," you choked out, still hugging him like your life depended on it.

"Stay right there" he demanded the blindfold still over your eyes. It was Ashton's idea to take you on his idea of a 'blind date', which meant you had no idea whatsoever where you were going. "Okay, you can look now," he giggled as you tore the blindfold off to see the most beautiful sight. Ashton had laid out a picnic on the hill overlooking the town and the sun was just setting, the sky splattered with pinks, reds and oranges. "Ash, this is perfect," you breathed, still taking it all in. "Only the best for you, Y/N" he wrapped his arms around your waist as you looked out over the twinkling lights of the town. The best was definitely what you got, and you weren't just talking about the date.

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