42. He Sees You..

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MichaelSinging. You knew you didn’t have a great voice but you could hold a tune if you wanted to. You loved to belt out song lyrics when no one was home, and you were doing just that. Mikey had left for the studio about 30 minutes ago and wouldn’t be back until afternoon so you took the time to have a girl’s day and pamper yourself. You had just finished touching up your roots and had begun filing your nails when Radioactive by Imagine Dragons comes on and you belt out the words, letting it all out at the top of your lungs. Your voice cracks and you laugh at yourself and hear a deeper laugh too. You blush when you see Michael in the doorway with a big grin on his face, “Fantastic, you should be featured on our album.” he comes closer and flops onto the bed, resting his head on your lap, “Seriously, you had a beautiful voice.” You kiss his nose, “Not as good as yours.” he agrees earning a smack on the chest, 

Ashton: Changing. You were stepping out of the shower and getting ready to drive to the studio to meet the boys for lunch. You realized you’d forgotten to bring your bra in with you so, knowing Ashton was out, you sauntered into the bedroom. Opening your dresser drawer you grabbed your favorite red bra and was sliding it on when the door flings open. “Y/N do you know where the spare drumsticks are, they have none at the stu- well hello…”he lets out one of his famous giggles as you see him in the mirror as he watched you struggle with your undergarments, “Need some help?” he asks smirking walking towards you and running his hands up your torso you nod your head and bring your arms to your sides while he clips the bra on for you. “This has gotta be my favorite bra.” He says, “It makes your boobs look great…on second thought maybe you shouldn’t wear it when the other guys are around” he begins to unhook the bra before you swat his hands away and promise that he’ll get to take it off you tonight. 

Luke: Dancing. Luke’s parents would be over tomorrow and you wanted to impress them with a clean house. You popped your earbuds into your ears and cleaned the house top to bottom. When Luke said he was going for a run and out for errands, you put your iPod into the iHome and began singing loudly. That’s when One Direction’s new song Midnight Memories came on and you grabbed the broom leaning on the counter and used it as your mic. You shook your hips and jumped around the kitchen rocking out and adding a couple head banging moves in as well. You were rocking your hips when a pair of hands glided to your hips and turned you around. Luke smirked as he held onto your swaying body, “I should have you clean the house while I’m out more often” he smirks trailing kisses down your neck, “It’s like my own personal show.” he whispers against your skin before twirling you and joining in on the cleaning party as the next song comes on. 

CalumCrying. You had just gotten a call from your parents that morning that they had to put your pet cat down because she was very sick and very old. Since you were away, touring with your boyfriend Calum, you couldn’t be there to say goodbye or see your precious kitty one last time. You were extremely upset but didn’t want to cry in front of all the boys, because you thought it was embarrassing. That night you and Calum sat down for a movie and half-way through the main character’s pet dies and you can’t help but begin to get teary eyed. Next thing Calum knows, you’re sobbing into his shoulder and clinging onto him for dear life. He rubs your sides and back soothingly, his eyebrows furrowed in concern with a small put on his face at how upset you are. “And this is all just because of the dog in the movie Y/N?” he asks concern in his voice. You explain what happened and he calms you down, saying it’ll all be okay, that your cat is in cat heaven. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll be your cat.” Calum offers with a grin on his face as you look up at him, “Meow” he says giving you butterfly kisses all over your face until you laugh. 

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