19. He Asks You To Move In

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Luke: You were rummaging through closet looking for something to wear for your date with Luke tonight. Your boyfriend of two years came and sat on the edge of the bed holding a nervous smirk. “Where are all my clothes?” You groaned in frustration. “They’re all at my place babe. In fact, the only things that aren’t at my place are a few pictures that you have lying around your room and maybe some shoe’s. you’re pretty much all moved in at my place, I say you pack the rest of your stuff up and just come live with me.” Your mouth opens slightly, the edges of your mouth creeping up slightly to form a shocked smile. “Are you asking me to move in with you?” Luke shrugs a sheepish smile on his face. “I mean, you practically live there anyway, might as well make it official.” Luke wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your nose lightly. “You make a compelling case Mr. Hemming’s.” You giggle cupping his face and pulling him in for a quick kiss. “So what do you say? Will you move in with me?” He asks, forehead touching yours. “Let me go get the rest of my stuff.” You smile before packing up the very few items that were left in your room.

Ashton: You had spent yet another night at Ashton’s and like always you had to leave him early in the mornings so you could drive back to your place and get ready for school. Your alarm went off at 4:30 signalling you needed to go. You attempted to untangle yourself from Ashton so you could leave, but his grip tightened around your waist. “Ash, i gotta go.” You whispered to your boyfriend. “No. I’m tired of waking up alone.” He grumbles nuzzling his face in your neck. “But I have school. I’ve gotta go home and get ready.” “Just bring all your stuff here.” He says tiredly. “Are you asking me to move in with you Ashton?” You giggle as he gives you a pouty face. “Yes. Come live with me. I need to wake up to your beautiful face every morning.” A pink blush creeps up your face. “How could i say no to that face.” You smile whilst edging closer to him and wrapping your arms around his neck; placing a sweet kiss on his lips. “We’ll get your stuff tomorrow.” He mumbles into the kiss.

Michael: You took out your spare key and unlocked the door to your boyfriends flat. You’re welcomed with an empty flat littered with empty pizza boxes and video game wrappers. You let out a frustrated sigh. “Messy messy Michael.” You mutter to yourself. You glance at the clock. It’s bright red letters flash 7:02. You have about two hours until Michael gets home from the studio so you decide to clean up a bit. By the time you’re done cleaning the pigsty he calls a flat you’re worn out. You lay down on the couch, thinking to only close your eyes for a minute but before you know it you’re fast asleep. You utter out a grunt as you feel yourself being lifted off the couch. “Michael.” You whine. “Shh, go back to sleep baby.” You sigh. “I have to get home Mikey.” He gently lays you down onto the bed before tucking you in. “Baby, I have to go.” You yawn. “Just stay here and never leave.” You lift your head off the pillow slightly. “That sounds really creepy Mikey.” He groans. “I meant move in with me.” Your eyes widen as you take in the words that just left his lips. “You serious?” You sit up in bed, fully awake. “Well yea, I mean if you want to. You don’t have too.” He whispers. “I’d love too Mikey, now come cuddle.” You let out a yawn and lay back down onto his bed, inhaling his scent on the duvet. “I love you Y/N.” He whispers as he lays beside you. I l love you too.” You mutter before dozing off into a deep and peaceful sleep.

Calum: “WAKEY WAKEY LITTLE Y/N!” You jump out of bed, landing firmly on the floor. Calum waltz into your bedroom as though nothing happened. “Why are you on the floor babe?” He deposits a tray of Starbucks on your dresser before plopping down on your bed, sinking into the soft duvet. “Oh I don’t know, some idiot just decided to enter my home screaming like he owned the place and woke me up.” You dust yourself off before throwing yourself onto Calum. “Oof.” He grunts before rolling over so he’s on top. He pecks your lips. “That idiot needs to be punished.” He declares. “Oh?” You raise an eyebrow at him. You slowly stand up. “Y/N, what are you doi-” You muster up all your strength and push him off the bed, sending him flying into the cold hard floor. “The idiot has been punished.” You giggle and pop your head over the edge of the bed. “That hurt.” He pouts, rubbing the back of his head. “Hey you said the idiot should be punished!” You throw your arms in the air in defense. He just rolls his eyes in response. “What are you even doing here Cal?” He scoffs. “I just wanted to wake my girlfriend up nicely and bring her a nice cup of coffee but my efforts were obviously wasted on a meanie.” You giggle.  ”If you’re idea of waking your girlfriend up nicely is screaming into her flat then I don’t know what to do with you.” He giggles before pushing himself off of the floor and mimicking your actions by throwing himself onto you. “Get off! You’re heavy!” You whine. “Nope.” He says, popping the p. “So I was thinking about how much of a hassle it is for me or you, to have to wake up, get dressed and go over to the others house in the mere hours of the morning just to see each other.” Your face falls. “What do you mean Cal?” You muster out. “I mean we should move in together!” He exclaims. “Oh so I get to have you as my alarm clock every morning?” You say enthusiastically, your words ooze sarcasm. “You bet! So what do you say?” He pouts his lips. “I would love too.” You say. He jumps off of you and starts jumping up and down like a little girl. You giggle. “I love you Cal.” He smiles. “I love you too my little Y/N!” He says before bringing your lips to his.

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