85. How The Other Boys View Your Relationship

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The other boys would sometimes get annoyed with you two, seeing how you are the perky, happy couple that everyone hates. At the same time, they love you guys together. They love how silly you can be and how you're the girl version of Ash. They occasionally get mad when you tag along but soon don't care because they remember how much they love you. The thing they love the most is how happy you make Ashton and how you can always pick him up when he's feeling low.

The boys love you just as much as Calum and you're best friends with them. They think of you two as the perfect couple because you guys' personalities mesh so well. They never seem to get tired of you and are always up for you to hang out with them all. The good thing about this is that they'll always stand up for you whenever people hate on your guy's relationship, telling them how much they love you.

They think you two are the cutest couple ever. All of the other boys loved you and treated you almost as if you were their girlfriend too. They never pictured you two together until it happened, after that they ship you guys more than any other. They love that Luke is a gentleman to you and if he isn't they're sure to step in and make him do otherwise. They also view you two as the music couple because you guys are always singing or listening to music together.

The boys would think you guys are the most hilarious, dysfunctional couple ever. They loved how you guys would always playfully insult each other and never get mad. They found it hilarious how if you two weren't offending one another that something was wrong. They think that you guys would be the last two people to ever be good together, but somehow are absolute perfection for one another. They also love hearing your guys stupid arguments over nothing because you both are so stubborn.

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