98. You're On Tour With Him

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Ashton : The tour bus was loud, smelly, usually quite hot and cramped, but it was a paradise after the intense power of shows that the boys played. Right now it was peacefully silent, with Mikey, Luke and Calum playing FIFA with less vigor than usual in the back room. It was late, and the darkness outside the window confirmed the late hour of the night as you and Ashton snuggled on his bunk. He had almost his entire body cocooned around you, but you weren't sure if he was asleep or not. You had been lazily scrolling through twitter when Ashton's low voice alerted you out of the haze you'd been in. "Whatcha looking at?" He wondered, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "Just twitter. You guys seemed to put on a really good show tonight, the fans are really excited." You replied, twisting in the small bunk to get a look at his face. His hair was messed from the pillow, and his eyes almost screamed 'I'm tired', but he chuckled. "Yeah, I bet it was Calum pulling Luke's pants down in the middle of Good Girls." You couldn't help but laugh at the memory. "But," Ashton continued, planting a light kiss on your nose. "I think this is a much better place to be." You sucked in your cheeks, trying not to blush. All of a sudden, a small whumpf interrupted the silence and Michael strolled through the bunk area of the bus. "God, you two. You're like lovesick puppies." He groaned, laughing. Ashton narrowed his eyes as you giggled at the comment, your boyfriend profusely telling Michael not to be a dick.

Calum : Touring was long, tedious, and sometimes argumentative, but you wouldn't have it any other way. Calum had offered for you to come along for the North American leg of their tour, and you were so excited to visit all of the places you'd never been before, like the city you were in now. The hotel the band would be staying in was huge, and you couldn't stop admiring the plush carpets and luxurious wallpaper that lined the halls as you and the boys made your way up to the booked rooms. Cal had been teasing you the entire night, with sly touches and words that you hoped no one else could hear. He had been driving you crazy, and you couldn't wait to get back to the room so you could reply to his comments without regard for his bandmates. Calum squeezed your hand, as if he could read your mind, and the pair of you entered into the hotel room you'd been assigned too. Without hesitation, Calum locked the door behind you and pushed you roughly against the wall, smirking deviously. "You've been such a tease, you know that?" He growled, nipping at your neck as you tried to keep your knees functioning. "Are you kidding me?" You breathed between kisses, curling your fingers in his dark hair. "You're the one doing the teasing." Calum replied, moving his fingers down to tug at the hem of your shirt. "You mean like this?" He asked curtly, brushing his fingers against the button of your jeans, light as a feather. You whimpered a bit, unable to form any other sentence. This was only the start, you thought, of a long night.

Luke : If there was one thing you hated most in the world, it was airplanes. You knew it wasn't a rational fear, and that nothing would happen to you, but you still couldn't seem to get over it. Luke had invited to you to join him on tour, but that meant airplanes, and you had almost declined, before telling yourself you'd be with your boyfriend, and that he'd keep you safe. So you told him you'd love to come, and here you sat, in first class before the airplane was about to take off. Luke seemed to notice how on-edge you were, so he placed a wide hand on your knee. "Nervous?" He asked, peering at your with his big blue eyes. "Yeah, a bit. I hate airplanes." You replied, leaning your head against the headrest. You'd told Luke about your fear, and he'd almost made you stay home, until you persisted it wasn't that bad, and that you'd be able to handle yourself. "I'm sorry." He winced, as the captain came over the speakers and announced we'd be taking off shortly. "Don't be sorry, baby." You leaned over and ruffled his hair, making him pout. "It's not your fault." He sighed. "I know. But I hate seeing you nervous like this." You nodded, feeling the plane lurch forward and hold your stomach in a weird sensation. "Can you just hold my hand, then?" Luke almost immediately grabbed your outstretched hand and rubbed him thumb across your knuckles, instantly soothing you as the plane lifted off the ground, the strangest feeling. After what seemed like hours, the captain spoke again. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reached cruising altitude. Please feel free to remove your belts." Luke tugged at your hand, causing you to look over at his grinning expression. "Hey, that wasn't so bad, was it?" "No, I guess not." You sighed, feeling much better than before. "I think you deserve a celebratory kiss." He laughed, and leaned over, pressing his lips against yours softly, making all your nerves melt away.

Michael : "Michael, I swear to God, if you hit me with one more Nerf bullet I will kill you!" You yelled from the back room of the tour bus, where you had been watching a TV show while the boys practiced in the kitchen area. Michael had, however, found a Nerf gun somewhere in the luggage and kept leaning around the corner and pelting you with blue foam bullets as you laid peacefully on the couch. "And how are you gonna manage that?" He teased, giggling like an idiot. "I have methods! I'm watching CSI, I can make it look like an accident!" You countered, gripping a pillow to hurl at him if he shot at you once more. Everything was quiet for a moment, before he sprinted from around the cupboard and shot at you, before flopping on top of you, his heavy frame squishing further into the couch. "Michael!" You managed through fits of giggles. "Get off me!" "Never!" He laughed manically, wriggling on top of you so you were pressed further into the couch. "Mike! I'm gonna scream!" You threatened, glaring up at him. "You wouldn't dare." He tilted his head, a cocky smirk on his face. "I sure will. ASHTON!" You bellowed out, Michael trying to cover your mouth with his hands without letting you up, still laughing as he did so. Ashton appeared a few moments later, scratching his head. "What the... Oh, Michael sandwich!" He laughed, and flopped on top of Mikey, leaving you double squished under the weight of the two boys. You couldn't see, but you heard Luke's voice say from the doorway, "I will never understand you guys."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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