28. Skinny Dipping

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Ashton: “THE BOYS YOU DO GET BACK AT YOOUUU” You and Ashton sang at the top of your lungs to the song on the radio. It was late at night and you both had so much energy that night, you guys decided to go on a small road trip. You guys ended up near a lake and Ashton stopped the car. “Now what?” You ask. He looks at you and back at the lake, and you again. He then goes outside and removes his pants. “Umm, if you need to go bathroom there’s a nice pine tree over there.” You said pointing in no particular direction. He just laughs and next thing you know he is butt naked and jumping in the lake. “You’re crazy!” You screamed at him laughing. “Crazy for you!” He said and splashed around a bit more. “Join me Y/N!” “No, it’s freezing and that lake is probably disgusting.” “Babe, get in the water.” You shook your head. “Get in!” You just ignored him. “I’m sorry baby, please just get in the water.” He pleaded and you gave in. Soon enough you jumped in and screamed. “I told you it was freezing, Ash!” He just pulled you in close and held you. “It’s fine, we have our body heat.” You both stayed like that until the stars left the sky and you both sat on the hood of the car watching the sunrise.

Luke: “Why is the beach so empty? It’s a nice day today.” You said and the guys agreed. ” Maybe it’s because of the music festival?” Calum said and you all set up umbrellas and towels along the sand. “Most likely.” You and the guys just hung out on the beach playing games and eating. It finally got to the point where you all were ready to hop in the ocean. All of you were messing around and playing Marco Polo when all of a sudden you hear all of them burst into laughter and swim away from Luke. “Should I swim away too?” You asked your boyfriend. “If you want to retrieve my swim trunks from them, then sure.” You looked over at the boys who were now holding Luke’s trunks. “Wait…so you’re-” He cut you off. “I hate them so much…” You burst out laughing and the boys called out to Luke. “WE’RE LEAVING THEM OVER HERE AND HEADING TO THE MUSIC FESTIVAL, HAVE FUN LUKEY BOY!” You saw he was embarrassed that he was naked and you came up with a brilliant idea. You removed your bikini and needless to say he was quite shocked. “I’ve always wanted to go skinny dipping.” You smiled and he just laughed. You both just messed around in the water until it got dark and went back to the beach to change and see if you could find any good artists at the music festival.

Calum: “Are you sure we won’t get caught?” You whisper to Calum as you both snuck around the hotel. “I promise we won’t.” He said and you both snuck into the indoor pool area. The pool was supposed to be closed right now, but you both wanted to go swimming. “Wanna make this even more dangerous?” He asks and then removes his swim trunks. “Skinny dipping?” You question. “Yeah, why not? Everyday is an adventure.” He said and dove into the pool. You followed him and jumped in the pool wearing only your birthday suit. You both splashed around when you heard someone coming. You could see it was an employee and you both looked at each other with wide eyes.” Go under.” Calum whispered and you both went underwater and waited. You both stared at each other and he grabbed your face and kissed you. When you both ran out of air, you put your heads up and started laughing. “Do you feel punk rock Y/N?” He said and that caused both of you to laugh even harder. 

Michael: “Michael, please come in the water!” You pleaded. Michael was just sitting on the dock watching you swim around the lake. “Not right now, maybe later.” He said and went back to kicking his feet in the water. “But…” You got tired of trying to get him in the water during your camping trip and swam over next to his feet. You let out a sigh, hoping he would hear and change his mind. He didn’t. You got up on the dock and sat next to him. Then you had a brilliant idea. “Hey Michael…” As soon as he turned to look at you, you pushed him in the water. He just glared at you and tried to get back out. “But you’re already wet, why not stay?” “I just don’t find swimming around in a lake amusing like you do.”“Well, let’s make it interesting.” You went deeper into the water and removed your bikini top, swinging it around your finger. Immediately, you see him swim over to you and by the end of the day, he wanted to go back to the lake ;) 

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