51. Closer Than Friends

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A s h t o n

Clear sky nights in London were a rare occurence. Since you’ve been there with your best friend Ashton and the other guys, you had yet to see the stars up in the London sky. Luckily for you, on your last night there, the clouds went away so the guys decided to have a little campfire to stargaze and soak in the cold winter air before going back to Australia… Well, it was more like you suggesting it, they not liking it so much and then Ashton convincing them to go along with it. “(Y/N)! Are those hot chocolates ready yet or…?!” Michael shouted from their small backyard, where they were setting up the bonfire. “OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” Michael cried out in pain and you were pretty sure Ashton had hit him… Maybe kicked him. “She’s not your maid, you idiot”. Ashton mumbled and when you turned around to see what was happening you saw him walking towards you to give you a hand. Time flew by and you were staring at the stars, covered in a tiny blanket that wasn’t enough to keep you warm, but you didn’t care. When you looked over at the boys, Calum and Luke were already falling asleep whereas Michael was playing oh his DS. You snuggled into your jacket, smiling when you felt someone staring at you. It was obvious who it was. “Stop staring at me, Ashton”. He giggled. “But you’re freezing, look! You’re turning blue!” He joked, reaching for your hand but you swatted him away. “Make room for me, then…” You said and he opened his arms, motioning for you to scoot over. He wrapped his arms around you and then threw on a considerably larger blanket. You sighed, soaking in the warmth that Ashton’s body provided. You pressed your nose against his neck so it would warm up; Ashton shivered a bit at first be he was used to it, you always did that, and he rested his head on top of yours. “See, that’s what we mean when we say you two are not just friends… Right, boys?” Michael said as he looked at you two, kicking and shaking Calum and Luke’s bodies. “Wha- Are you two finally together?” Calum asked, half asleep. “No, we’re not. Shut up all of you”. Ashton scolded them. “Well, you should, because best friends don’t cuddle like that”. Luke mumbled. You sighed in frustration against Ashton’s neck. “Mind your own business, assholes”. Ashton retorted hugging you tighter. 

C a l u m

"GUESS WHO PASSED THEIR DRIVING TEST?!" You excitedly yelled as you barged in in Calum’s house. Four sets of eyes turned to look at you, making you feel a little embarrassed… Okay, maybe very embarrassed. "Sorry". You muttered as they went back to their videogame. You pursed your lips and pondered on what to do next, since your plan was always come in here and brag about your license to Calum… But you never expected to see all of the guys there. You shrugged and thought ‘well, fuck it, he’s my best friend too’. You sneaked up behind Calum and snaked your arms around his neck, resting your chin on top of his head. "Was it difficult passing it?" Calum absentmindedly asked you as he continued battling against the other three guys. "Meh, not really. You know how ace I am behind the steering wheel". The other guys scoffed making your jaw drop in fake offense. "Watch it. Oh fuck". Calum muttered to the boys first and then to the videogame in which he had just died. He grabbed your hands, still wrapped around him and looked up at you. "So now you can drive me around, that’s awesome". You laughed and were about to reply when you heard Ashton trying to choke down his laughter. "What?" You said, annoyed. "Stop it with your sweetness, you two, we’re gonna get a diabetic comma". Ashton teased, making you roll your eyes at him. You kissed Calum’s cheek before going away. "I’m gonna get some food". You were barely at the door when they stared yelling at each other. "Normal friends don’t behave like that! You’re so whipped, Calum". Ashton said, making Luke and Michael laugh uncontrollably. You swallowed your groans and walked out the door.

L u k e

"Mm.. No, another". You said, staring at the tv, not convinced about the movie that was on. "No, another… C’mon Luke, you have better taste than that”. You joked and poked his dimple, making him scrunch his nose in reply. You two were sprawled in your couch like every other Sunday afternoon; you were in a sitting position with Luke’s head on your lap as you tried to find something decent to watch, whether it was a movie, a series or if everything else failed, a reality show. “Are you ever going to settle for something, (Y/N)?! We’ve been looking for something for ages, now”. Luke complained, looking up at you with a visible frown. You returned the stare but you tried to look emotionless. You grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed his mouth. “Shut up, pretty boy, and keep looking”. He laughed -or tried to- and continued zapping through the channels. After minutes and minutes of complaints and grunts you settled for watching ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’. You absentmindedly started combing Luke’s soft hair with your fingers and he draw circles on your leg. “I told you they’d be here doing this, they always are… They are as predictable as an old married couple”. Calum said as he and the guys walked through the door. “Enjoying your time alone, lovebirds?” Michael teased, sitting across from you. “We didn’t interrupt anything, did we?” Ashton continued on, making your cheeks get redder and redder by the second. “Look who’s blushing. Lil’ (Y/N)’s blushing”. Calum said in a stupid voice, making you roll your eyes but it didn’t stop your blood from going to your cheeks. “Shut up”. Luke mumbled, giving your knee a little squeeze in reassurance. You wouldn’t admit it, but it made your insides tingle.

M i c h a e l

"Michael! Guess what!" You plopped on the couch, next to him, ignoring Luke’s presence in the kitchen. "What?" He mumbled, not really paying you attention as he was jamming with his guitar and Luke was presumably scribbling down some lyrics on the kitchen counter. "Mike…" You murmured. "(Y/N)…" He replied in the exact same tone. "You’re not guessing". "Well, you’re not giving me any clues…" You scoffed. "Okay, one clue: body mods". He hummed for a bit before speaking up again. "Your mom found out about your sister’s tattoo". You thought for a while, thinking maybe she had and you didn’t know… But that wasn’t the point. "No, Michael, think”. “I don’t know, (Y/N)”. He whined, not taking his eyes off his guitar. Maybe you were being needy but you wanted to surprise him. You snatched the guitar from his hands and put it aside. “Hey!” He complained but you pushed him down and straddled him. “I got that belly button piercing”. You squealed, lifting your shirt up a bit, showing it to him. His eyes widened in shock and he grabbed your hips, taking a closer look. “Wow”. He said and you laughed. A gagging sound made you look over to Luke. “Please take your friends with benefits act to a private room, I’m trying to write, here”. Luke complained making you blush and stutter in nervousness. You quickly got up and turned to leave but Michael spanked you and winked at you. “I like it”.

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