53. Post Breakup Voicemail

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A S H T O N : He’s completely shitfaced and all he has on his mind is you. He’s been crying for days and, finally, he stops. Mainly because he has no more tears to cry. So, with your last words to him replaying in his mind, he picks up his phone and immediately dials your number. Though he’s deleted it, it’s burned into the back of his mind.

You’re in bed, eating whatever you happened to have stocked up in your kitchen pantry and watching whatever chick flick you could find, when you see your phone flash the number that you’ve been ignoring for days now. Just like all the other times, you let it go to voicemail.

"H-Hello, (Y/N)," he stutters. "It’s been, like, two weeks maybe? Like, I don’t even know, really. But what I do is that I’ve seriously been missing you. I miss your laugh and the way your eyes sort of, like, crinkle at the sides when you’re really laughing at something." He grins just thinking about it. "Why did you even dump me? I tried to be everything for you," he mumbled, feeling the need to cry once again. "I’ll talk to you later. Love you, bye.." *click*

C A L U M :He’s tried to forget you. He’s attempted to find a rebound. His band mates have been trying their hardest to cheer him up, but all that could really cheer him up at this point is having you back in his life. Whenever he was sad, you were always there to pick him up and make him remember just how special he is. Whenever things happened to go wrong, you were there for him. But now that you weren’t, it was as if nothing was right in his life. So he decided to pick up the phone and dial your number, something he had been trying not to do. But tonight, he just needed to hear you tell him everything was alright, even if it did happen to be a lie.

You’re out with your friends, having the time of your life. It’s only been three months since the break up and, on the outside, you’ve gotten over it. But on the inside, you’re just as broken as Calum is. You’re dancing with your friends at the latest club and you’ve left your phone in your car.

"(Y/N)? You’re not answering, I hope you’re okay," he begins. It’s his first time even calling you and so he has no idea where to start. "Today’s been a horrible day," he laughs. "I don’t even know where to start, um..I messed up on that one note again. Actually, I messed up on a lot more than one note," he sighs, remembering how he couldn’t even go on during one of the songs. "Anyways, I just wanted to, uh, call. Say hi, you know. I’m just wondering how you’re doing because I’m, um, I’m doing great!" He lies, trying to make his voice sound upbeat. "So, I’ll just talk to you later, I guess. Bye.." *click*

L U K E : He’s waiting for you to call first, just like how you normally do. Every time you’d storm out on him, you’d call back and apologize before returning to his arms. But it’s been a week and there’s been no call, no text message, no nothing. You were being completely serious this time and Luke is beginning to realize just what he’s actually missing. His friends invite him out, new girls have been trying to get him to go on dates with them, and all he’s been doing is politely declining and waiting by the phone in hopes that he’ll see your name pop up on caller I.D. But after a while, the hope he has starts to fade and he can’t help but be the one to call you first.

You’re at your best friend’s house, your tears creating wet puddles on the pillow she allowed you to cry on. You’ve been wanting to call Luke up and run back to him like you always do, but your friend has convinced you that you that you need to get over him. But when you hear your phone ring, you jump for it, wanting to answer and apologize. But before you could get to it, your best friend already has it in her grip, leaving you to wonder what exactly Luke had to say.

"Hey! Um..so you haven’t called and I was just wondering what was up. It was a stupid fight, you know that." He bites his lip as he thinks of how to even put his feelings into words. "I love you. A lot. We’ve been together for a long time and I don’t want to throw what we have away." He stops again to collect himself, shutting his eyes and heaving a sigh. "You know what? This was probably a really bad idea.." he begins to mutter, running a hand through his disheveled blonde hair. "I’ll just talk to you later. Bye.." *click*

M I C H A E L : It’s only been three days and he can’t stop calling you. He calls you when he wakes up, before a performance, and then before he goes to bed. All he wants to do is talk to you. He just wants to tell you how sorry he is for breaking your heart. He just wants you back in his life. So, once again, he picks up the phone and dials your number, just like he’s done for the past few days.

You’re at home, like you normally are, and your phone has not stopped ringing. You’ve dabbled with wanting to pick up the phone to tell him to leave you alone, wanting to pick up the phone and take him back, and wanting to simply change your number so he leaves you alone. At the end of the day, you still listen to the voicemails he leaves you. You’d never admit it, but you miss him. A lot.

"So this is, like, the fifteenth call I’ve left. I’m starting to think you don’t want to talk to me!" He jokes, laughing lightly before gulping. "Listen, I really just want to tell you how sorry I am. I’m so sorry. I still love you, I always will love you. Just come back, please? I made a huge mistake and you’re all I’ve been thinking about. You know I love you, babe.." *click*

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