48. He Hits You

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A s h t o n 

You have had it. It was enough now, you felt like you couldn’t handle it anymore. Ashton had just came home from months and months of touring, and you had managed to maintain a somewhat stable relationship, closing your eyes to the rumors on the magazines and turning off the radio when they started gossiping about Ashton and his ‘new mystery girl’… All it took you was a quick glance out your car window to see him standing extremely close to a leggy blonde that look quite much like his ex-girlfriend. You drove around town, trying to calm down but it was useless, you decided to confront him. You slammed the door to his apartment, making him jump and turn around to look at you with wide eyes. “(Y/N), love, you alright?” Your laugh was dry and humorless. “Am I alright, Ashton, seriously? After months of not seeing you and making myself believe that all the cheating scandals and general rumors were false, you come home and the first thing you do is go out with another woman and snuggle with her in a coffee shop when you think no one’s looking? Do you think I’m stupid?!” You yelled, leaning forward. He was surprised, but his expression immediately went from shock to anger. “Why would you say that, (Y/N)? You’re crazy!” He yelled back, startling you. “Oh, I’m crazy, right? Because how on earth would you feel attracted to someone who looks like a model, right? How could you prefer her over me, just an average looking girl with no special treats? You know what? Just admit it, just admit that you cheated on me!” He stepped closer to you, not saying a thing. “Say it, Ashton, just fucking say it! You don’t have to pretend anymore”. It all went blurry from there; you felt a sharp pain shooting across your back, you realized Ashton had pushed you against the door rather harshly, the doorknob hitting your lower back, making you moan in pain. When you opened your tear stung eyes, you saw Ashton with a terrified expression plastered on his face. You pushed past him, rubbing your back and crying silent tears. “(Y/N), I’m sorry, I- You know I forget how strong I am sometimes, I just wanted you to let me talk, I- Where are you going?” He questioned as he watched you grab your toothbrush and your jacket. “I can’t be around you, Ashton”. “No, please forgive me, I’m sorry”. He sobbed, pulling you into a tight hug, burying his face on your hair, making your knees give up, as well as your will power. You sobbed against his chest, clenching his shirt in your fist.

C a l u m 

You had always gotten along with Calum’s family, if there was a problem between you two, it certainly wasn’t you not being well received by his family or vice versa. Until one day, while having dinner with them you noticed his sister and his mom look at you in disapproval; you felt like they were throwing daggers at you. You didn’t know what was going on, you haven’t said or done anything wrong, at least not that you were aware of, anyways. They pulled Calum aside after you were done eating and you worry grew to unimaginable levels. Calum got back, sitting next to you on the couch, but he didn’t put a hand on your knee or threw his hand over your shoulders, like he usually did; he just sat there, quite stiff and you pursed your lips. The ride back to your place was quiet, to say the least. Once you were inside, with your jackets off, you mustered up the courage to ask him what was going on. “Is everything okay, Calum?” You asked, searching for his eyes but he kept looking away. “I don’t know, is it, (Y/N)?” You frowned. “Well, Mali-Koa and your mom were looking at me weird all through dinner…” You stuttered, sure that his behavior had something to do with that. “I wonder why that was”. He replied, sounding rather bitter. “I don’t know why, though”. “Are you sure you don’t know, (Y/N)? Because it seems to me like you are well aware”. You widened your eyes in disbelief. “I swear I don’t know”. You raised your voice and he scoffed. “How about sneaking around with my best mate? Does that sound familiar?” You were startled. Calum’s birthday was coming up so you had asked Luke for help to throw him a surprise party and you thought you had been very discrete about your meet ups. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You replied. “Stop lying to me, will you?! If you want to be with Luke just be with Luke! I can’t believe I heard from my mom and my sister”. He yelled back, scaring you as you noticed anger building up inside of him. “So you believe them but you don’t believe me?! It was nothing, Calum”. You tried to step closer to calm him down. “STOP LYING!” His yelling came along with a slap across your face. Your hand flew to your reddened cheek. “Oh, no… I’m sorry, (Y/N), I don’t know what came over me, I-“ He stammered, looking at you with cautious eyes and his hands up, as if you would try to run away, and you wanted to, but you were too hurt –emotionally and physically- to even attempt it. “We were planning a surprise birthday party for you, but I guess that’s in the past now”. You whimpered and he engulfed you in a tight hug. “I’m so sorry, please forgive me”. He whispered to your ear and planted a sweet kiss on the side of your head. You let the tears flow freely down your cheeks, soaking his shirt.

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