86. He's Needy For Your Attention

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"But y/n! You've been studying all night! Don't you think you should have a little Ashton time?" Ashton whines to you. "Ash, you know I need to study for my finals as much as I can." You say running your fingers through your hair, frustrated. You hear Ashton let out a high pitched sigh, causing you to look at him. "Ashton, could ya not?" You say with a mean tone, giving him a glare. He comes over to you and wraps his arms around you from behind. "I just want to spend time with you. I get no attention when that textbook comes out." Ashton says with a sad voice. You turn to look at his puppy dog eyes and slight pout. "Ugh. Okay, but only for a little bit!" You say, giving into his pleads. "Yayyy!" Ashton squeals out, hugging you in the process.


Calum took you to an All Time Low Concert tonight, and you were having the time of your life. They were your favorite band, and you had the hugest crush on Jack, Calum being aware of this. The entire way through the concert you watched Jack strum his guitar and move across the stage, it seemed like a second nature to him. "Uhh, y/n." Calum says snapping you out of your intent watching. "What?" You say only glancing over to look at Calum before dragging your eyes back to Jack. "You've got a little drool on your chin." Calum says with a chuckle. You simply ignore him, not wanting to miss the show. After a few minutes he spoke up again, "Y/n, are you thirsty?" "Huh?" You say not listening to what he said. "Do you want to go get a drink?" Calum yells back. "I don't want to miss the show!" You yell back. Suddenly Calum grips your chin and turns your face directly at his, kissing you hard out of nowhere. He comes to a stop and removes his lips from yours, "I know he's hot y/n, but your boyfriend likes attention too." You giggle at him and kiss him again, "I'm sorry Cal. Don't worry, I'll make it up to you later!" You yell back with a wink as he begins to laugh. He then interlaces his fingers with yours, and turns back to enjoy the rest of the show.


After seeing Catching Fire, you decided you loved the movies so much that you wanted to read The Hunger Games. You got so into it that it's all you want to do. You were currently about midway through the book, so it was to the point where you just had to finish it. You were lost in the book when you suddenly heard your boyfriend's voice from upstairs, "Y/n!!! Come here!" You annoyingly sighed as he said this. "Why?" You yelled back up. "I want to cuddle!" You sighed before going upstairs with your book in hands. You got to your bedroom and saw him laying there with a big smile and his arms open. "I can't believe you actually came!" He says as you make your way to lie down in his arms, pulling out the book and beginning to read again. "So do you want to hear something funny that Cal did today?" Luke says. "Shhhhh!!!" You reply, keeping your eyes glued to the book in front of you. Suddenly, two hands smash the book and closed and run off with it. "Luke!! This isn't funny! Come back!" You yell, running after him. You hear his giggles all throughout the house until you find him standing in the kitchen with the book above his head. "Just try to get it now, y/n." He says proudly as you run over and start jumping to reach it, him succeeding with keeping it away from you. "Luke, c'mon, give it back." He shakes his head, "Nope. Not until we have a proper cuddle session." He says with a smirk. "Ugh, fine." You say, giving in. He smiles widely and puts the book above a cupboard before picking you up and carrying you back upstairs to where you once lay. "I didn't know it was possible to be so jealous of a book." You say to him as you guys lie down in each other's arms. "I didn't know it was possible to love a book more than your boyfriend." Luke shoots back with a little smile. You simply just shake your head and kiss his nose, "I love you." "I love you too."


"Y/n, come play Mario Kart with me." Michael yells through the house, but you don't answer. You just recently got a puppy, so you were playing with it. You had always wanted a puppy as a kid, but your parents were severely allergic so you never could. Now that you finally did, you wanted to spend all of your time with it. After a few minutes you heard footsteps coming from the living room to where you were sitting. "Y/n?" "What?" You answer, holding the puppy in your arms. "Why won't you come play with me?" Michael asks with a frown. "The puppy needs love and attention Michael, it can't feel neglected." You say back petting the dog's ears. "Well, boyfriends need love and attention too, you know. We can feel neglected too." He says with a hint of sass, "Plus, if you smother that dog then what's it gonna do when you're not home?" You sighed, "I guess you have a point. C'mon baby, let's go play some video games!" You say in a baby voice to the dog before carrying it to the living room. Michael rolls his eyes at you and laughs before you guys begin the game.

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