71. "You're.."

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A S H T O N: "You're amazing, you can't listen to them. The only thing that they want is to bring you down, and they're accomplishing it." You told him, wiping his tears. He was always your rock and times like this were when you got to repay all the favors he did. "I know bu-but it just feels worse when it comes from the fans." He said with a hiccup. "Those people are not your fans, they are haters. Everyone has them, and they just found out that you're the most caring and loving person there is so they are taking advantage of that." You told him, hugging him tightly. "I love you, you know that right. And there are millions of real fans that are sticking up for you. They love you too." You told him and he looked up at you and gave you a loving kiss. "I love you too."

C A L U M: "You're always impressing them with everything you say. Why would you be nervous now? You've met them half a million times." Calum told you, holding your hand with the one that wasn't steering the wheel. "I've met them as your friend, not your girlfriend." You clarified, you were meeting his parents 'for the first time'. Not the first time, since you had already been friends before. "They'll love you anyways, they always told me that you were so pretty and amazing." He reassured, kissing your knuckles. As you saw the familiar house at the end of the block, you felt more at home. "They've always loved you, so have I. You have nothing to worry about." He said, flashing you a smile before getting out of the car.

M I C H A E L: "You're an asshole." You muttered, quickly leaving the room. Hopefully, he hadn't seen how much his comment hurt you. You two had always been like this, bickering coming from both sides. But this time he had taken it to a whole different level. Talking about how you whored around and you only hung out with them for the fame. Both of those, obviously, weren't true. The boys tried to convince you that Michael was just joking, but his comment really hurt you. Leaving to your flat, showering and climbing into bed with your laptop. You heard something at your window and you opened it. "Oh thou (Y/N), couldth you ever forgiveth me for my dickness?" Michael asked with a smile playing on his lips. "I was trying to be a bad boy for you. Heard you liked those." He said. "You didn't act like a bad boy, you acted like a jerk." You told him. "I know and I'm sorry, can I talk to you, without all of your neighbors complaining please." He pleaded. "I'll ring you up." You told him.

L U K E: "You're pregnant?" He asked with a positive pregnancy test in his hands. "Luke, I was going to tell you but-" he didn't let you finish. "I'm going to be a daddy?" He asked with a smile, tears forming in his eyes. "We're going to be a little family." He said hugging you, then dropping to his knees. "Hey baby, you're the best thing that has ever happened to us. We love you so much." He talked to your stomach. "I thought you would be mad." You mumbled and his eyes doubled in size. "Of course not, I've always wanted a family with you. I just can't wait to tell everyone." He said, smiling.

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