13. Late Night Calls

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Ashton: His voice was soft on the other line. You were worried about him the moment you picked up the phone. “What’s wrong, babe?” you ask, wishing you could be with him. “I miss you so much,” he mumbles, sniffling a bit. You swore you could hear a tiny whimper. “I miss you too, Ash. But, listen. You know how you always tell me how many weeks it’ll be till we see each other again? Well it’s 2. 2 weeks, 14 days, until we see each other again. Okay, baby?” you mumble. “Okay,” he says, and you can tell he’s smiling. “I love you.” “I love you too, Ash.”

Luke: “I fucked everything up. My voice was all over the place and one of my strings broke on my guitar. I fucking let all of our fans down,” Luke rambles. “Lucas Robert Hemmings, no you didn’t. You always do your best and you know your fans love you no matter what,” you reply. “Stop lying, babe. I know I sucked,” he frustratedly mumbles back. You scratch your neck. “Luke, you always do amazing. Please stop beating yourself up. It hurts me a lot to see you upset,” you whisper, just wishing you could hug him right now. A sniffle escapes and Luke replies in a soft tone, “I miss you. I don’t want you to cry, babe. Please don’t cry? I’m sorry for upsetting you.” You laugh with watery eyes. “I love you, idiot.” “I love you too, night babe.”

Michael: “Did you see the pictures?” Mikey asks you. “Yeah I did,” you reply back, scrolling through your phone. “Well?” “Well what?” “God, babe. Do you like the tattoo or no?” “Oh! I love it, it’s amazing!” you reply, snapping back into reality. “Are you okay?” he asks. “Um, just stressed,” you mumble. You didn’t want to worry him, he already had to deal with the busy schedule and he didn’t need to be even more stressed. “I’m sorry, baby. Why don’t you come on tour for a bit yeah?” he asks. “Mike, you know I can’t do that,” you reply, shaking your head. “No, you can. Take a break babe.” You smile. “I’ll think about it. G’night, blondie.” “Night. I love you.”

Calum: Tears were clouding your vision. All you wanted was to cuddle Calum again, and looking at fan pictures wasn’t helping. Your phone rang and you saw Cal’s ID pop up. “Hi babe,” he happily says, the smile evident in his tone. “Hi,” you reply. “How late is it at home?” he asks. “Oh, it’s about midnight,” you mumble. “I don’t want to keep ya up, I’ll g-.” “No! I mean, you can stay, it’s alright.” “Are you okay, (Y/N)?” he asks, concerned. “I miss you, Calum. A lot.” “I miss you too, darling. Sleep tonight and I’ll call you right when I wake up, okay? Or you can call me and I’ll get up,” he whispers. “Okay, g’night, Cal,” you reply, closing your eyes. “Goodnight, love.”

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