31. The Baby Kicks

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Ashton: “Ash! Ash!” you call out and he grunts as he rolls over in his sleep to peak his eyes open at you. “What is it, (YN)? I was enjoying my sleep!” You smile at him. “Well, i’m glad you were enjoying your sleep, Ashton, but i really thought that you’d like to feel your son kick for the first time!” “He’s kicking?” You nodded and he hurriedly put his hands on your stomach and smiled like an idiot once he felt the kick. “That’s our son, (YN)! That’s our little boy!” You nodded your head and put your hand on the back of Ashton’s head. “Are you glad that i woke you up now, Ashton? Or do you wish that i’d let you sleep?” He leaned up and kissed your cheek. “I may be grumpy, but, i’ll always be glad that you woke me up for something like this.

Luke: Now that you were finally pregnant after trying for so long, Luke dragged you everywhere with him, not caring that you’re due date was a while aways yet. As they were in the studio recording for their new album, you waited in the booth and kept your hands on your belly at all times. When Luke sang, that’s when the magic began. You felt a little tap on your stomach, and grinned, and the more that Luke sang, the stronger the tap, then you realized, the baby was kicking. You nudged the producer who smiled at you. “What can i do for you?” “Get Luke! Tell him the baby just kicked!” He did as you said and soon he burst through the door and put his hands on your stomach and laughed as he felt the first kick. “Feels so strange, but, so amazing at the same time!”

Michael: The ringtone went off and you rushed for the laptop to answer his call. You smiled once you saw his face. “Hey Michael!” He grinned. “Hey baby girl. You told me to call, everything okay?” You nod, then look down. “I actually wish that you were for this though, it’d be better if you were here.” “What are you talking about? Is the baby okay?” “Yeah, baby’s okay, i’m okay, it’s just, the baby kicked for the first time today, Mikey.” You looked back up to the screen to see his face fall. “And i missed it?” You nod sadly. “You want to know what started her kicks though?” “What?” You smiled proudly and turned on the latest 5SOS album and turned it to a solo of Michael’s. “Your voice! She’s kicking right now as we speak!” you laugh and Michael begins to tear up. “Two more days and i’ll be home to see and feel it for myself!”

Calum: The dress clung to your body and enveloped your baby belly like a natural cover of protection. “You look beautiful.” Calum says, walking into the room to see you staring at yourself in the mirror. “And you’re showing off our new babies like wonderfully, i like it!” You shake your head. “They’re not coming for a while, Calum, we’ve got a while yet!” He nodded and stood behind you, his hands finding their way to either side of your stomach, rubbing it carefully. “I know, i just can’t wait to see them!” “Me either.” you say and that’s when you both froze and glanced down at your swollen belly. “Was that?” he began to ask and you nodded, tears threatening to spill down. “Yeah, those were our babies kicking, Calum! They kicked!” Calum had tears of his own threatening to fall. “I can’t believe it! How about we stay in tonight instead of going out?”

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