24. You're Best Friends and You Wake Up

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You're best friends and you wake up next to eachother

A S H T O N : 

You yawned silently, covering your eyes from the bright light that shined through the open windows. You threw the covers off of you, standing and stretching lightly before realizing you weren’t in your own room, which was strange. You twisted in your spot to find your best friend of two years, Ashton, silently snoring in the spot next to the one that you occupied. Your eyes widened as realization dawned upon you. “Oh my god,” you whispered, raising your hand to cover your mouth. You quickly ran around the room in search of your clothes. You threw your clothes on as fast as possible before you froze, hearing Ashton begin to shuffle the sheets around before sitting up and rubbing his eyes, a confused look over his face as he noticed you. “(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” He questioned, his voice deep and raspy. “I, um. I think we, uh, happened to-” “Oh,” you simply stated as the night’s events replayed in his mind. “We were both-” “Drunk, that’s all. It was nothing. This,” you began, gesturing between the two of you, “never happened.” You bent down to grab your heels before twisting the knob of his bedroom door. “I’ll text you later, Ash!” You called as you walked out of the bedroom, leaving Ashton completely confused.

C A L U M :

Calum was the first to wake up, his arm absentmindedly wrapped around your sleeping figure. He quickly retreated, shuffling backwards a bit before inspecting himself under the covers, shocked as he noticed he and you were both naked. He stood, pulling on his boxers before gathering your own clothing, neatly folding them and placing them on the night stand next to the bed. He was going to leave you in peace, to have you wake up and take in what happened alone before he noticed how cute you were when you slept. Your hair disheveled and your mouth slightly agape. You began to stir and he quickly snapped out of his daze, leaving the room in a swift moment. He started on breakfast before you walked down the stairs, completely stiff and awkward. “Goodmorning beautiful,” he called cheerfully. “You’re acting as if we didn’t have sex last night,” you stated awkwardly, sitting down on one of the bar stools. “Well..do you want to talk about it?” “Were we drunk?” You inquired, getting straight into it. “I was, I’m pretty sure you were too,” he answered with a shrug before continuing on breakfast. “Do you have feelings for me?” You meekly wondered out loud, your eyes only on your hands that fumbled with each other. You heard Calum huff before feeling his eyes on you. “Would it be bad if I said yes?” Your gaze quickly met his before he pulled you in for a sweet kiss.

L U K E :

You yawned loudly, causing Luke to wake as well. Your head was resting against his bare chest, his arm thrown around you, your legs tangled. You looked up at him, his gaze on you before you both jumped backwards, Luke falling off of the bed and you standing, grabbing the covers to cover yourself up. “Why are you naked!?” Luke yelled, grabbing a pillow and covering his face as he scavenged the room for your clothes. “We’re both naked you idiot!” You panicked, finding your thong and putting it on immediately, your bra following. “M-Maybe we both slept with other people and I just stumbled into your bedroom,” you suggested as Luke handed you one of his band shirts, you tossing it over your head. “I don’t think that’s what happened,” he declined, shaking his head at you. “Okay well, how about you just sort of..erase what ever happened from your mind and I’ll do the same!” You cheerfully tried as you grabbed your dress and heels from the ground. Your eyes met his as you stood back up, his eyes softer than usual. “What if..What if-” “What if what, Luke?” “What if I don’t want to erase what happened? I mean..what if-” “Luke,” you interrupted, “we’re best friends. That’s all we are, right?” You watched as Luke sucked in his bottom lip and run a hand through his blonde hair. “Yeah, just friends,” he nodded, his tone sad though he gave you a smile. “I’m going to go make breakfast,” you simply informed him, returning the awkward smile before leaving the bedroom.

M I C H A E L :

Your head lay on Michael’s chest, your head slightly raising with his chest as he breathed in and out. You were having one of your depressed nights and Michael invited you over to play video games, each chinese food and so you could vent to him about your problems. However, it turned into confessions night, the two of you confessing how you liked each other for quite some time now. The The two of you had gotten dressed a while ago, however, the both of you just wanted to lay there like how you did when you both woke up together. “I could honestly get used to this,” Michael mumbled, running his hand up and down your arm soothingly. “You can?” You asked, to which he answered with a slight nod. “I mean, I’ve liked you for a really long time now. And to wake up like this isn’t such a bad thing,” he chuckled. You nodded as he snuggled you closer to him. “Thank you, Michael. For everything. You just- you make everything better,” you giggled, kissing his side lightly. “Anything for you, (Y/N).”

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