23. Buying Condoms

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A S H T O N :

He would easily grow uncomfortable, sliding the box of condoms onto the counter and attempting to avoid all eye contact with the cashier, whether it be one of the old women or one of the teenage boys, he couldn’t help but feel as if they were judging him or something of the sort. You’d sit in the car, sparing your own embarrassment, waiting for him. It was his turn to buy them anyway.

C A L U M :

The two of you weren’t embarrassed when out shopping for condoms whatsoever. You were in the public eye and the two of you had been dating for several months now, it was completely obvious that the two of you were sexually active. The two of you would enter the store, hand in hand, and casually walk back towards the health section and look over the many types of condoms that were in stock, finding the ones that the two of you had always used and dropping two packs over the counter. The woman knew who the two of you were by now, the both of you coming in every now and then and buying the same thing. She never said a word to the two of you about it, only raised an eyebrow and rang the boxes up for you.

L U K E :

Luke’s mother would never approve of Luke and the two of you having sex, at least that’s what you thought. With fans almost everywhere, you had to be very discreet about it. You’d shove a snapback over your head and put on a pair of sunglasses before walking in, grabbing a few different things before quickly grabbing a box of condoms. You’d tap your foot impatiently as the boy ran up your items, smirking to himself as he rang up the condoms before handing you your change and bag. You’d always take off your disguise as you were leaving, knowing that the fans wouldn’t have known what you were buying anyway since it was in the bag.

M I C H A E L :

Michael made a big deal over buying condoms. He’d draw attention to the two of you as both of you scanned the many boxes that filled the shelves. “Extra lube? Babe, do you think we need extra lube?” He would yell, eyes staring at the two of you. He’d giggle as you’d push him away from you, a smile gracing your features as you tried to not laugh at his antics. “Oh good, they’re not out of extra large condoms!” Michael would yell once more, the two of you snickering as you grabbed the ones that the two of you used. “Too bad we don’t need them though,” you’d retort, causing you to break out into a fit of laughter, running away from Michael as he chased you. You’d make it to the counter before he did, tossing the box onto the counter before Michael ran into you, his arms wrapping around your waist and spinning you around. It was always a lot of fun buying condoms.

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