78. Safe Place

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Ashton: You bite your lip nervously, trying to hold each breath for a second before letting it out. In, out. In, out. Not letting your breath get too shaky. Keeping it steady, steady. Ashton glances over at you, and in an instant he recognises what's happening, moving over to you quietly and at an almost-fast pace, because he doesn't want to set you off by rushing over dramatically. Putting a hand on your shoulder, he looks down at you with utmost concern. "Everything okay, sweetheart?" You nod your head, manage a smile, but a moment after your lip begins to tremble and you shake your head because no, you're not okay. Ashton pulls you close to him, holding you steady. One hand running up and down your back, the other tangling through your hair. "It's okay. Don't worry, it's all okay. You're safe with me."

Calum: You're listening to the heavy rain bucket over the roof and wash away the last remnants of sunshine, cuddled up in bed with Calum. To be honest, it's what you'd consider an ideal way to spend the rest of your life. He breaks the comfortable silence, with a simple, "This is really nice." You turn to look at him, eyes bright and full of life. "It is. I don't think I'd ever get sick of this." "It is quite an alright way to spend time, now that you mention it," he tells you, grinning, pulling you closer to him. "We'd be safe here," you say quietly, and you both think over the life you're considering living, before Calum shakes his head. "Actually, nah. If we stayed in bed forever, there'd be no pizza. It's not a good idea."

Luke: "We're so high up!" you squeal, partly in excitement, partly in fear. Peering out the side of the carriage, the Ferris wheel moves you and Luke about an inch a minute, but that doesn't mean you're any less terrified. Amused by your state and a bit worried, Luke puts his hand on yours, moving his lips close to your ear. "You okay?" You shake your head, glancing up at him. "This ride is stupid. It's old, it's high up, and there's about a 700 percent chance I'm going to die." He can't help but laugh at your exaggeration, taking an arm and putting it around you, pulling you close to his body. "It's alright, you won't die," he reassures you, and you try to give him a sassy face but it ends up looking a bit sad. "How can you be so sure?" you ask quietly. He takes his other hand and runs it down the bridge of your nose, tapping the end of it with his forefinger. "Because I'm not gonna let you fall. You're safe with me. Always."

Michael: The sudden flashes of light and too-tight, too-loud space are clouding your thoughts and leaving you blank, as you get pushed along to where you need to be. People are shouting names, squealing, for some reason that's unapparent to you while your mind is so empty. You're suddenly brought back to the world when a warm, familiar hand takes yours, holding on tightly and guiding you through the mass of people. And faintly, just over the shouting you hear a voice, as familiar as the hand, from behind you, telling you that it's okay, you're safe, you just gotta get to that door over there, just keep looking at that door, I'm so sorry babe, we're almost there, almost there. And you only put the hand and the voice together when you turn and see Michael, his eyes wide and encouraging as he nudges you forward, and you give him a smile because he's right. You're okay.

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