80. You're Past Your Due Date

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Michael - You sighed, sitting down as your engorged belly poked out from Michael's t-shirt you had stole earlier this week. "Michael I am a week past my due date. I'm scared." Michael sighed, scrolling through his phone as he put his hand in yours. "Babe, it's okay. This happens to everyone." You sighed, shrugging as he smirked. "I think I have something to induce your labor, babe." With this being your first baby, you were nervous that something was wrong, but Michael knew this was common. He came back into the living room, offering you a cup. "Christ Michael, what is that?" He chuckled, "It's castor oil! You drink it and it gives you diarrhea, and they say the bad craping will start your contractions." You sighed, taking the drink and sniffing it before holding your nose. "It smells like fish." You said, sighing as Michael chuckled again. "Just hold your nose and down it." You stiffened up, holding your nose and chugging down a few gulps before you felt like gagging. You held your throat, Michael smiling as he rubbed your shoulder. "Come on champ, finish it." You finished the rest of it in minutes, sighing and shivering as you did so. "Feeling the need to shit?" Michael asked, smirking as you stood, smiling. "Yep!"

Luke - "Baby, I don't know about this." Luke said, pacing as you laid on the bed, only wearing his flannel and some undies. "Luke, they say sex is a great way to induce labor! And besides, i've been horny for you all week." You purred, giggling as Luke sighed. "I dunno, I mean, won't it hurt the little guy?" You rolled your eyes, standing and taking his hands in yours. "No it won't. I have done some research and it won't hurt him." Luke nodded and sighed. He didn't want to hurt you, or the baby. But since you were almost a week overdue, something had to be done to get him out of there. "Then let's do it." You squealed, lying down carefully as Luke pulled off his shirt and pants, sighing as he hovered over you. "Are you sure you w-" "Yes Luke, for crying out loud." He pulled off his boxers, and then pushing your panties to the side. He slowly inserted you, you mewling out in pleasure as he groaned himself. "Holy fuck." You two were done in minutes, Luke panting like a mad man as he laid next to you. "I never thought having sex with my pregnant wife would be better than regular sex." You giggled, smiling at him as later on that evening, you finally went into labor.

Ashton - "Hi Keek, so today we have Mrs. Y/N here and she is rubbing her nipples." "Ashton!" You squealed, him laughing as he walked in, you immediately pulling your shirt down. "Care to keep going?" You swatted at the camera as he sat next to you, putting the camera on the both of you. "We read online that the other best way to induce labor was to massage your nipples and she decided to do that instead of drinking fish oil." You made a face as Ashton kissed your cheek. "Now come on, let's continue!" He stopped filming as you smiled. "I'm so sore." You complained, beginning to roll your nipples between your fingers, Ashton rubbing your lower back. "I know, I know." You were almost over a week of being overdue, and you and Ashton were eager to have your baby here already. You've been researching, calling friends and even going to doctors to see if they could give you tips or even break your water for you, but they declined saying it was only mother nature in charge now. "Is it working?" You shrugged, sighing as you gave up after a few minutes, lying back down. But later that night, you finally went into labor, your contractions heavy.

Calum - Calum rolled the ball into the living room as you continued to do half lunges around the couch. "I hope this works." He said, sitting on the ball as you continued to do the lunges. "I know, this is exhausting." You two have been a bit on edge for the past week, since you were due to have your baby last Wednesday and now it was the next Thursday and you two were worried. But Calum's mom told you not to worry, that this was normal. "Here, sit." Calum got off of the exercise ball as he helped you sit down on it. "What do I do?" He got his phone, scrolling through as he cleared his throat. "Lightly rock back and forth, bouncing lightly at times." He chuckled, before putting his phone down. "What?" "It sounds like they are giving you sex tips instead of inducing labor tips." You chuckled with your husband, hitting his chest as he sat in front of you. He held your hands, as you rolled back and forth on the ball. "This feels funny." You commented, lightly bringing yourself up and down as your baby moved in your stomach. "Baby is moving." You said, as Calum nodded smiling. "Keep going." You stayed on the ball for hours, until your water finally broke, you two jetting to the hospital.

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