73. You Break-Up

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Ashton: You and Ashton were having another one of your infamous fights about who knows what. Yelling at each other for no known reason, blaming each other for everything. It got to the point where Ashton snapped. He slammed his fist on the table, before yelling: "Dammit, Y/N, listen to me!" You were a bit startled by his aggression, but yelled back, not wanting him to get the final word. "No, I won't! Why should I!? Just leave me alone!" You yelled back, walking past him and up the staircase. He quickly followed you, when he grabbed your wrist and spun you around, leaving a scratch on your skin. Looking at him in disbelief, you saw his eyes change from anger to guilt. He immediately knew what he did. "Y/N, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" You cut him off. "Save the crap Ashton. You promised from day one to not lay a hand on me," You said. "I know, it was-" He continued. "I don't care! Just get out. We're done!" You yelled in anger and disbelief, as you carried on up the staircase and slammed your bedroom door behind you.

Calum: 5 Seconds of Summer were leaving for a sell out, worldwide tour in two days and you couldn't be prouder of the boys. They were spending their last couple of days at home. Calum had come to yours, but when you let him in, he didn't sit down like he normally would have. "Y/N, we need to talk. Well, I need to at least," He said. "I know that we won't be able to handle the distance and I don't want to have to put our relationship on pause. Also, I don't want to end up doing something that could harm you. Because of this, I think we should break up," He calmly said. You looked at him, trying to let what he had just said, sink in. Once it did, you simply looked at him, before walking past him and into your bedroom, were you let the tears fall.

Luke: Fake accusations, lies and fights was all your relationship has been with Luke for the past month. Today was going to changed though, you were going to fix it. Grabbing your coat and keys, you started your drive over to Luke's. On the way there, you thought of different things to say that would support your point. Arriving at his, you knocked at the door, only to find it unlocked. Making your way in, you found Luke sat on the couch with his back to you. He was muttering things under his breath. "I don't know how to say this... no no. Y/N, we should break up... no, that won't work either..." He trailed off. He repeated a couple of things like this, before you spoke up. "Luke! I came here to try to fix us, but if you think that we should break up, then I guess it was pointless!" You yelled. Luke jumped, startled by your presence. "Y/N, I don't think you understand, I-" He started. "I don't care. We're over!" You yelled, storming out of his house, slamming the door behind you.

Michael: All Michael seemed to do lately was play video games. That was it. He seemed to care more about his precious X-Box than you. Walking into your shared living room, you weren't surprised to find him sat on the couch, cursing under his breath at the game. "Michael, we need to talk," You said, standing in front of him. "One minute Y/N, lemme just finish this level..." He trailed off, moving his head around you. "That's what we need to talk about Michael!" You yelled, throwing your hand up in the air. "All you seem to do is play video games, you do know that you have a relationship with a real person, right?!" You yelled. He paused the game and looked at you. "Well of course I know that, it's just that she never pays any attention to me either!" He yelled back. "Maybe, if you turned off the X-Box once in a while I would!" You yelled. "Do you know what Y/N, I'm done with all of this. We're done!" He yelled, storming past you and out of the house, slamming the door.

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