59. He Cheats

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Michael: "What is this?" You ask as you slam a magazine with a picture of Michael and some other girl kissing on the front page, onto the table in front of him. He looked down at the magazine and then freezes. "No words, huh?" You ask him once again and storm off. You can hear his footsteps behind you and he grabs onto your wrist, pulling you around to face him. "I didn't kiss her, she kissed me!" He tried to reason with you and your rolled your eyes. "That is literally what every cheater says, Michael! Plus," you pushed past him and grabbed the magazine and shoved it in his face, "You look like you're enjoying every bit of it." Your voice went to a low growl and he just sighed. "Baby, I wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you, you know that-" You pushed his body away from you and shook your head vigorously. "I used to think that, but now... You're just an asshole who cheated on me." You walked past him, your shoulder bumping his. You were beyond mad; you were furious. You walked right out of the house and he continued calling out for you. Your body turned around and you took one last look at him. "Maybe you should've thought it through before you cheated on me or this wouldn't have happened." You turned around and started to walk home.

Ashton: "(Y/N), I'm sorry!" Ashton pleaded, trying to reason with you about the cheating incident. You shook your head and tears began to fall down from your eyes effortlessly. "No, if you were sorry you wouldn't have done it!" You screamed at him and he grabbed onto your arms, looking into your eyes. "It was an accident! I didn't mean to it just happened!" You shook your head in disbelief. Everything that was coming out of his mouth was just a load of crap. "Oh, so you accidentally put your penis into someone elses vagina? You don't accidentally do that, Ashton! That's just not an accident!" You jerked your arms out of his grip and he sighed angrily, running his fingers through his hair. "I was drunk! I already fucking told you that!" Now it was his turn to yell. You rolled your eyes at him. He was unbelievable. "You can't use the excuse you were drunk. That's stupid. I know you when you're drunk and you have control over what you're doing. You know exactly what you're doing. You knew exactly what you were doing when you took that girl back here and you knew exactly why you took her back here," more and more tears fell from your eyes and you ignored them, "But I guess you didn't remember I also live here, and you didn't remember that I sleep in that bed. You didn't think to remember those things because you're an idiot and a cheater and I never want to see you again!" You rushed out of the apartment you two shared and walked down the hallway, wiping your tears.

Calum: "Please... Don't do this! We can work it out and still be together." Calum begged as his eyes started to tear up slightly. You shook your head at him. He was not going to let his puppy dog eyes trick you this time. "What is there to work out, Cal? There is nothing to work out. You cheated and you lost all of my trust. There is no way you will ever be able to gain that trust back." You looked at him and scoffed. "Relationships rely on trust, but since you broke that we don't really have a relationship anymore, do we?" You asked him and watched as he just stood there. His mouth opened to say something, but nothing came out. He knew what he did and he knew the consequences, but he still chose to do it. "Maybe you can have a relationship with that bimbo, you know, as long as you don't cheat on her." You laughed and started to walk away from him. "You know what they say," Your eyes locked with his and he just stood there; silent. "Once a cheater; always a cheater."

Luke: "My best friend?! My fucking best friend?!" You screamed and started to throw anything that was in reach of your hands. "Of anyone to do it with you cheated on me with my best friend?!" You tugged at your hair and stared at the two of them. You were hurt, angry, frustrated, and betrayed. "I loved you, I gave you everything and you just threw that away just like that. How could you?" You asked Luke as he looked down at the ground, ashamed. You turned your attention to (Y/F/N) and she just looked at you with tears falling down her cheeks. "I've known you for my whole life and you went and back stabbed me. Not only did you ruin our friendship, but you ruined my relationship with the first guy I have ever loved. I hate you so much. I hate both of you." You shook your head, trying not to cry in front of them. You were angry and you didn't want to cry, not now. "I hope you're happy. You've ruined two things in my life that made me happy. I guess you can go on with your lives now and do whatever the fuck you want, just don't include me because I don't want to see either of you ever again."

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