30. He Sees You In The Crowd

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Ashton (His POV): “I’m telling you, she is very hot!” I told the boys as they walked off stage after performing their set on the Take Me Home tour. “Well we can disguise ourselves and go and stand in the crowd and watch tonight…” Michael suggested. “Okay! I’ll go find a disguise…” I sighed before walking out of the room. 20 minutes later I had returned looking like a security man. “Right boys, I’ll be back soon!” I laughed before walking out of the dressing room and out to the arena. I walked over to where she was sitting and tapped her in the shoulder. “Ashton from 5 Seconds of Summer wanted me to give you this. Go to one of the security guys at the end and they’ll send you round.
After the concert had finished there was a knock on the dressing room door. “Ashton…” The guy said as he opened the door and she walked in. “Hello, I’m Ashton  and I think you are very beautiful!” “I’m [y/n], it’s nice to meet, and you are rather handsome!”

Calum (His POV): “can you please go get [y/n] from the dressing room and bring her to wait backstage please?” I asked Mali who was watching us perform from the side. She nodded before running off to get my girlfriend. A few minutes later both of them arrived back and I waved down at [y/n] as she made a silly face back at me.
“The next song is dedicated to my beautiful girlfriend, [y/n]!” I said into the microphone as we started to play her favourite song, Beside You. At the end of the song Ashton got off his stole and went down to drag [y/n] on stage. “No!” I heard her laugh as she stood in front of me. “[y/n],” I said taking her hand in mine and getting down on one knee in front of her. “3 years ago today we played her, and I saw you in the crowd and made sure someone got you a backstage pass so I could meet you. And today, in the same place where we met, I want to know, if you will become my wife. So, will you marry me?” I asked. She nodded tears in her eyes before I stood up and placed the ring on her finger, before hearing the cheer and giving my fiancée a huge hug

Luke: “when are we gonna see Daddy?” Your son Joel asked you as you waited in the crowd for your husband Luke and the rest of 5SOS to come on stage. “Soon buddy, but we’re here to surprise him, okay?” You reminded the 2 year old. “Okay mummy!” He grinned. “Hello New Zealand, we’re 5 Seconds of Summer!” Calum shouted into the microphone, “and this is Outta My Limit!” Michael added. “Will daddy see us?” Joel asked halfway through the first song. “Soon. Now wave to uncle Calum!” You laughed as Calum waved down at your son before he went to tell Michael. “Right baby I want you to shout for daddy as loud as you can when uncle Ashton starts speaking, got it?” You instructed Joel. Once they had finished the song and Ashton had started talking you and Joel screamed for Luke causing him to look down at you and a huge grin to appear on his face. Within seconds both of you were being taken backstage where Luke was waiting to give you both a hug and kiss before going back on stage

Michael (His POV): ‘I’m waiting, have fun!’ was the text that [y/n] sent me just before we walked on stage. I started playing the chords to Try Hard and looking around trying to spot my best friend, and girl I was in love with. And there she was. Standing there grinning at me, she gave me a small wave which I responded with a grin and a wink, causing her to laugh. At the end of Try Hard, I leaned down to talk to the security man, and told him who she was and to bring her to the side of the stage, where we’d exit later on.
“I’m so proud of you Mikey, you’re so amazing!” She gushed, giving me a hug and kissing my cheek. “That was a good one Mike, and it was all for you [y/n]!” Calum said as he walked to the dressing room. “Wha-” “I’m in love with you [y/n]!” I blurted out before looking down at my shoes. I felt her finger lift my chin up and within minutes her soft lips were attached to mine

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