26. You're On Your Period

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‘Ashton’ you practically yelled in frustration, ‘Please, please can you just stop talking. You’re pissing me off.’ Ashton stopped talking immediately, his mouth half open from shock and because he was in the middle of telling you about his adventure with Calum that day. His eyes widened slightly and his face flushed from embarrassment. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to ignore the pain from your cramps and the headache and little demon in your head that wanted to bite everyone’s head off. ‘I’m sorry baby. I feel terrible and I’m taking it out on you.’ You opened your eyes to see Ashton’s arms coming towards you and pulling you onto his lap. You leaned into his body as his large hand covered your stomach, the heat making you relax with relief. ‘You can tell me when you’re on your period you know’ he whispered into your hair, rubbing circles on your stomach. ‘I have no problem with it. I’d rather know because then I can prepare to hide.’ You giggled, pressing a kiss to his collarbone. ‘Thank you for understanding’ you mumbled. ‘Of course beautiful. And if you ever need anything just tell me and I can get it, okay?’


‘Are you almost ready?’ Michael called upstairs from the foyer. You sat down on the bed and closed your eyes, wanting to scream out in pain as your cramps began. You got your period that morning, but didn’t tell Michael because he had planned for you two to go out for dinner that night. He was really excited and you thought you could get better. You fell back on the bed and curled into a ball, not caring about your nice dress. ‘Y/N?’ He called again, his voice more anxious. When you didn’t reply again you heard rushed footsteps up the stairs, and your door was pushed open. ‘Y/N? Baby are you okay? What the fuck happened?’ His voice was scared as he ran over to you, cupping your hand in his palm and searching your eyes. You felt tears leak from your eyes ‘I’m sorry Mikey. It hurts so bad I can’t go tonight. I can even fucking move’ you cried, your voice an octave higher. His face relaxed as he understood. He laid down on the bed next to you and pulled you against his side. You leaned into his body as he hand rubbed against your lower back. ‘You should have told me’ he scolded gently, ‘I would never be angry with you.’ You closed your eyes ‘I know, I just really wanted to go.’ He kissed your hair ‘We’ll reschedule babe. Now let me make you better, what do you need?’ 


You woke up and knew immediately by the immense pain in your lower abdomen. You shoved your face in your pillow and groaned, bringing your knees up to your stomach. Your noise must have woken Calum, because he tossed over and opened his eyes. ‘Babe?’ he asked groggily, barely opening his eyes, ‘What’s wrong?’ You felt tears spring to your eyes, half from being emotional and half from the pain. ‘Of course I had to fucking get my period today. God, it’s your day off and fucking mother nature has to shit on me and now we can’t enjoy today’ you stopped talking as the tears escaped your eyes. Calum let out a tender sigh and shuffled towards you, turning you over and spooning you, pressing his hand to your stomach and rubbing. ‘Baby don’t be upset. Shh, it’s alright. I’m not annoyed or angry with you. What can I do to help?’ You leaned back into him and tried keeping your tears at bay. ‘There’s nothing you can do to help’ you cried with frustration. He pressed a gentle kiss to your neck, ‘Well then I’m staying here until we figure something out.’ He whispered.


You got way too emotional when you were on your period. Luke had gone out grocery shopping and you went to clean your room. Your cramps were limiting you, so you decided to just make your bed and then try to sleep. While making your bed, you couldn’t get the corners on right and that just set you off. You burst out into tears, throwing the pillow at your desk and sinking onto the floor. You didn’t hear the front door open, and continued sobbing as Luke made his way upstairs. ‘Babe?’ He called out, his voice anxious as he followed your tears. He opened the door to you room and said nothing for a moment as he surveyed the room in shock. ‘I can’t make the bed right’ You sobbed, punching the mattress, ‘It’s stupid and I hate it.’ You looked up to see Luke watching you with a frown, but a hint of laughter in his mouth. ‘Don’t laugh at me’ you sobbed louder and Luke immediately sat down next to you and pulled you on his lap, ‘Love, I’m not laughing. Don’t cry, I’ll make the bed okay? I’m assuming this isn’t just you getting frustrated right? You don’t usually get this worked up over bed making.’ You clung to his shirt ‘I’m sorry Lukey, I just have cramps and I feel terrible-’ He shook his head and smoothed down your hair, ‘No, don’t apologize. I’ll go get you the heating pad and we can go watch a movie, okay?’ You nodded, sniffling as he picked you up and brought you downstairs to the couch.

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