66. Late Nights

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You loved spending nights with Luke, especially on the occasions where you would stay up late, or early in the morning, just talking about anything and everything. It was then where you had deep conversations. It could start off by either you or him talking about your day and then it would turn deep. That was how you first confessed your love for each other. And on the occasions you two did stay up talking you treasured them more than anything.

Late nights with Calum you loved more than anything in the world. You cuddled up in bed just talking or singing together or just being silly and cute. He always made you laugh and on them nights it made you realise how much you actually did love Calum and how much you cared about him. It also made Calum realise he could never lose you.

You would stay up all night and into the early hours of the morning playing video games and eating pizza, some nights you would fall asleep while he was playing, his arm around you as your head laid on his chest. Other nights it was the other way round. But there were some nights where you would play and eat until 4am and then you would both yawn loudly and decide to go for a much needed sleep, Michael's hands never leaving yours as you climbed into bed together, him leaving kisses all over your face and then finally on your lips as you both fell asleep.

With Ashton you two were cuddled up together in bed, his light snores filling the room as you ran your fingers through his soft curls. You would look down and have a small smile on your lips as you placed a kiss on his forehead. He would mumble something and move slightly, before snoring quietly again. The boy in your arms being pressed right against you like he was scared to lose you. And he was scared to lose you, just like you were scared to lose him. You couldn't imagine not being without him.

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