6. How You Meet

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Luke: You had just finished work at the little cd store across the road from Starbucks and obviously that long shift you had taken on had made you hungry so you popped across the road to order your usual even though the que was out the door. You stood behind four giant boys, well they were compared to you. You had doubts about waiting in line because they kept looking at you and nudging the giant blonde boy but you thought that you couldn’t make your long journey home with an empty stomach so you stood your ground. The boys were quit cute but the blonde boy with giant blue eyes stood out the most. He kept staring at you but Quickly turned away every time you stared back. All of a sudden the boy with bleach blonde hair pushed the beautiful blonde boy into you and with your tiny frame you fell to the ground. The blonde haired and blue eyed boy instantly turned around and extended his arm hinting for you to grab his hand so he could help you up. You were annoyed and were going to reject his offer but when you looked into his eyes you melted and instantly took up his hand. He was quick to apologise “I am so so sorry, my friend was trying to be funny, I hope your not hurt, look ill buy you a drink to make it up to you…” You cut him off with your giggle with all his blabbering. He just looked at you with a confused expression written across his face. “Don’t worry about it, nobodies hurt. But I will take you up on that drink offer” you say with a grin across your faces and he simply replies with “wow you have a beautiful smile, I’m Luke by the way” “I’m (Y/N)”. In the end you didn’t just leave with a free drink, but his number and a date.

Michael: You were in GameStop with your best friend. “What game are you looking for?” she asked. "Black Ops 2," you answered, scanning through the Playstation games. You had been waiting to buy Black Ops 2 for a while, but now you couldn’t find it. Suddenly, a hand reaches out from behind you and pulls out Black Ops 2. The same hand then taps your shoulder gently.You and your best friend turn around to be greeted by a boy with bleach blonde hair and an attractive smile. “Nice game choice,” he says, handing the game over to you. “I’m Michael.” You smile up at him. “Thanks Michael. Maybe we could play it together some time. I’m (y/n).” He walks with you to pay for the game. “Well, (y/n), I’d like that very much. Don’t worry if I beat you though.” He stops in front of you, smirking. “No need to worry, you could play at your best and I’d still win.” You threw back at him, giggling. After exchanging PSN’s, you thanked him again and went off to play Black Ops 2 with your best friend. 

Calum: Your parents owned a shop that sold all sorts of guitars and you worked in it every weekend. You knew there was a band coming in to look for guitars but you didn’t think much of it until 5 seconds of summer walk through the door. Yes that’s right 5 seconds of summer. Your Dad was working his magic trying to make a sale whilst you were at the other side of the shop tuning some guitars. You were in your own little bubble hoping you looked okay considering you were in the same room as the band you are completely in love with. Suddenly you felt a light tap on your shoulder. “That’s a pretty good guitar you’ve got there, you play?” Said a boy with a quirkily Australian accent you knew all too well. You turned around and there stood Calum Hood looking down on you with rosie cheeks. “U-um yeah, my er Dad taught me when I was a kid” you just about stuttered out. With that he sat down next to you and looked deep into your eyes. “I’m Calum by the way, and you are?” As if you didn’t know that. “I’m (Y/N), my Dad owns the shop” “ahh pretty sweet shop, must be a dream being able to come here and play whatever, whenever you want” you smiled at him and laughed “yeah i wish, that’s when I’m not helping my Dad try and make sales which is all of the time” he laughed at your comment and replied with “well if you can’t play here maybe you can get your beautiful self to come round mine and we could play together” your cheeks turned a shade of red as he stood up, giving you a kiss on the cheek and leaving you with a note which read ‘You better call me, 0789266088 Calum ;) x’.

Ashton: You had offered to take your younger brother to the park. Little did you know, you would end up being guilt tripped into playing football with him, although you playing football was not a good idea. You were clumsy and tended to avoid sports because of this - but on this day you were feeling in a particularly good mood. “Pass the ball, (y/n)!” Your brother shouted from the other side of the pitch. You looked down and noticed the ball at your feet. All you have to do is kick it, you thought. Surely you can’t mess this up. You woke up, laying on the grass with a concerned looking stranger kneeling over you. “Are you okay?” He asked, staring intensely into your eyes. “I-I’m fine,” you lie, attempting to get up. “No no no, not yet. Not until we get you…checked over properly. I’m Ashton, by the way. And I’m sorry we had to meet like this!” He smiled. “I’m (y/n), and I’m sorry that you now have to deal with me! How did I end up here?” You asked him, confused.  "You managed to trip over the ball and hit your head, silly." Your brother replied, amused. You hadn’t even realised he was there - you were too busy staring at Ashton. 

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