77. Song

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Ashton: Beside You
'She sleeps, alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was, I wish I was, beside you.'
Your phone rings and you run over to answer it. "Hello?" You say. "Hey babe," your boyfriend, Ashton, says on the other end. "How's the tour?" You ask him. "It's great! But it would be even better if you were here with me," he replied. "We'll be back together soon," you reassured him. "It's not soon enough! I really miss you (y/n)," he states. "I really miss you too, Ash." "I wish I was beside you right now. I wish I could wrap my arms around your waist an kiss your cheek. I wish I could feel the warmth of your embrace. I wish I could feel your touch. I wish I could just be with you for the rest of my life and not have to worry about being apart from you." You started to cry as he finished. "Don't cry, babe. It will make me want to be there even more," Ash said. He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. "Look out your window," he told you. You walked over and looked out. He was standing outside. You dropped your phone and ran out to meet him. "I thought you weren't coming back for another month!" You cry into his shoulder. "I had to make a special trip. I couldn't stand not being with you." He pulls you apart just enough for him to lean down and kiss your lips.

Michael: Good Girls Are Bad Girls
'She said to me
Forget what you thought
Cuz good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught'
"Hey babe," the bad boy, Michael, said as you walked by. "Go away, Michael," you replied. "Harsh." Later that day, you were sitting on the park bench waiting to meet your friend. "Hey!" She said, taking a seat next to you. "You wanted to talk to me about something?" She asked you, raising her eyebrows. "Yea. It's about this.... Guy," you said. "Ooooooo tell me! Do you like him? Is he cute? Does he go to our school? Is he shy?" She started firing off so many questions. "Slow down!" You laughed. "He does go to our school. He's annoying but attractive. And he's not shy at all," you said. "So who is he?" Your friend was anxious to know the answer. "Your not gonna like my answer..." "Just tell me!" "It's..... Michael." All expression drained from her face. "What?" "I've been crushing on him for a while, I just never let myself believe it," you said. Your friend looked past your shoulder at something. "What are you looking at?" You asked as you turned around. You saw Michael with a few of his friends. You quickly turned back to your friend. "Now is your chance," she told you. "What?" You asked, surprised. "Go over there!" She said pushing you to your feet. "Only if you come with me!" "Ugh fine!" The two of you got up and walked over to the boys. "I don't think it's safe for goodie goodies like you to walk over here. We might mess you up just by looking at you," Luke said, making all the boys laugh. "We don't really associate ourselves with good girls," Calum informed you. "Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught," you said, making all of them turn back to you. Michael smiled at you. "So you're saying......" Michael trailed off. He walked right over to you. "So (y/n), how would you like to find out what this Michael can do to you?" He asked with a smug smile on his face. "Try me," you answered. He smirks before pulling you into a kiss.

Calum: Try Hard
'Its obvious
She's so out of reach
And I'm finding it hard cuz she makes me feel, makes me feel
Like a try, like a try, like I'm trying too hard.'
As you were walking down the halls, you accidentally bumped into someone and all your books fell to the floor. You sighed as you leaned down to grab them all. The person you bumped into helped you. "Thanks. And sorry for bumping into you," you said, looking up. "No problem. And it was my fault," said Calum. You went your separate ways and carried out the rest of the day. After school, you heard Calum talking to some of his friends. You didn't mean to ease drop, but you heard your name so you were curious. "She's way out of your league, dude," you heard Ashton say. "I know. She's so out of reach. I feel like I'm trying to hard because she will never want me," Calum replied. You could hear the hurt in his voice. "Don't give up. I think she stayed after today. Go find her and tell her how you really feel," Michael said. You heard footsteps coming your way. You pretended that you didn't hear any of that. "Oh hey, (y/n)," Calum said, turning the corner. "Hey Calum," you replied. "So I uh wanted to um tell you something." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "What is it, Calum?" "So I kinda maybe sorta have a huge crush on you, but you are way out of my league and I feel like I have no chance with you." You looked at the ground. You slowly walked over to him and hugged him. "Calum?" "Yea?" "I have a huge crush on you too." You looked at his face to see a smile creeping up. "So then it's official? We are dating?" He asked. "Yup. It's official." You smiled up at him smiling down at you.

Luke: Heartbreak Girl
'I dedicate this song to you
The one who, never sees the truth
That I could take away your hurt
Heartbreak girl.'
This was the third time this week you had to call your best friend, Luke, to cry about your boyfriend. He was a douche bag to you and you knew it, but you just couldn't admit it. "(Y/n), it's okay," Luke assured you. "Let it out. Let whatever you need out." You cried to him over the phone for almost an hour. "So he really did that again?" Luke asked after you told him the story. "Yea," you answered. "Are you really going to keep playing all these games with him?" "I know I shouldn't buy I just can't leave." "Why can't you leave?" "I don't know. I just can't." Luke sighed. "Well...... I could take away your hurt," Luke said catching you off guard. "What?" You asked surprised. "No offense, but I'm sick and tired of hearing how much of a douche bag he is to you. You don't deserve to be treated that way. You deserve a man who knows how to treat you right. I'm sick of going in circles where I'm stuck in the friend zone. I wish you could've just looked harder and saw that I love you, I have always loved you. Ever since we became friends, I wanted you to be mine. But the you went after douche bag. I knew he wasn't right for you, but I let it go. Then you would call me once a week and tell me some horrible thing he did to you. The next day you would be back together with him. I don't want to keep going in circles anymore. I'm sorry, (y/n). I love you so much." He hung up the phone before you could say anything back to him. You had no idea he felt this way about you. You quickly grabbed your car keys and headed over to his house. You let yourself in and walked straight to his room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. "Luke?" You said as you walked in the room. He looked up and quickly wiped his eyes. "Go away," he said, standing up and walking to look out the window. "Luke, you didn't give me a chance to reply to what you said," you say to him. He turns to look at you. "You can laugh in my face now. Tell me how stupid I was to actually think you would ever love me." "Luke, that's not what I was going to say at all." He looked straight into your eyes. You continued. "I never knew you felt that way about me. To be honest, I had a massive crush on you when we first became friends. I never thought you would like me. I thought we would always just be friends. But now, we can be more." Your glossy eyes looked into his. Before you could react, his lips were on yours, giving you the most passion you have ever had in a kiss.

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