79. Type Of Boyfriend He Is

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Luke: He's the strong, silent type. His love for you is much more concealed than the other boys. He's more private, but that doesn't mean he loves you even less. You'd be able to tell just by the way he looked at you. When your eyes would meet his big blue ones, it'd be pure magic, much better, more real than any words you could think of. He'd be the type of boyfriend who would be extremely protective and often jealous. He would get insecure and worry he wasn't good enough for you because in his eyes you were absolute perfection. He saw your insecurities and feelings as something he needed to guard carefully and so he would. He would be constantly telling fans to be nice to you. To him, you're fragile like a flower and he'd do everything in his power to protect your beauty, but sometimes he'd get a bit overboard. He'd wrap an arm around your waist in public and stare down any guy who even looked your way. He wouldn't want anyone else to look at you because you were his. In bed, he'd always have you curled into his chest with his arms around you because he wanted you to feel safe and loved. Having you in his arms is one of the only times he can think clearly because he feels whole. You complete him. He'd be the boyfriend who would write you songs constantly because only through song can he organize his thoughts for you. Anytime he missed you, he'd write to you or call you. You'd have notebooks and iPods full of love notes and messages from him. And when you talked on the phone or face timed, he'd hang on your every word, treasuring it because Luke loved you in your entirety.

Ashton: He's a huuuge romantic. Under his happy-go-lucky personality is a big, mushy core of sensitivity and romanticism. He's the type of boyfriend who sends you sweet texts daily with something new to say about how he loves you. He's the type that text you morning, noon, and night when he's thinking about you. He's the type to randomly give you a gift just because and learn on a new song to sing to you just because it reminds him of you. He is the one who is so wrapped up in your relationship that he fears letting go; leaving you nearly kills him. Each time he does it, it does not get easier because you're his everything. He was slow to show his love at first, but now he practically shouts it from the mountaintops. To him, you are the moon, the sun, and stars. He's the kind of boyfriend who sits up with you at 3 in the morning talking about love and soul mates. He's the kind of boyfriend who would spend hours on the phone with you if you had a bad day even if he hasn't slept in several days. And when he's away, he sends you constant videos, if someone thought he made a lot of keeks and tweets, they would be astounded about the amount of videos, pictures, and souvenirs he sends you. He couldn't stop if he tried because after he told you he loved you for this first time...that was it for him. In saying those three little words, a door opened up inside of him and you became a permanent part of him. You two share your life together and are forever bound together even you are separated or break up. Love from a romantic boyfriend like Ashton is forever.

Calum: He's a cuddly puppy dog of a boyfriend that is in constant need of your love and affection. He is always making you laugh and teasing you just because he needs to hear you laugh and see you smile. He is always up against you as well, touching you in some way whether it be sexual or not. He craves and needs you to touch him too, especially his butt because everyone knows how proud he is of that. His face immediately lights up when you enter a room and he becomes almost child-like in his need to entertain you. Just by simply being in the room, you distract him so much that the boys jokingly banned you from the recording studio because he never focuses. He's the type of boyfriend who calls you just to tell you some stupid joke or random thing that happened in the middle of the night; he doesn't do it because he is careless, but because it's an excuse to hear your voice. When you are apart, he feels incomplete and constantly texts you cutely complaining about it. 'Why aren't you here?' 'I have to cuddle with Luke because I miss you so much' and even 'come here pplleeaasseee, I'm horny' are just some of the late night texts he'd send you. And then whenever you visit him on tour, he instantly has this incredible amount of energy on and off stage. He is always dancing or being silly; but then at night when it's just the two of you, he changes. He's cuddly and passionate, and always the big spoon even if his arm loses feeling; even when you offer to move or change position, he won't have it. All he wants is to wrap himself around you and never let go. He places sweet kisses all over your neck and intertwines his calloused fingers with yours. In this position, you talk about everything and nothing, whilst he devoured your every word. Calum would love your mind, body, and soul.

Michael: He's the best friend kind of boyfriend. He'd be the one who you would spend three days of video gaming and pizza eating with. A day in with you is all he wants to do. To him, you're much more beautiful in a baggy pair of sweats and his t-shirt than any dress money could buy. He'd be the boyfriend you could literally anything to and he'd just embrace it. He would tell you everything and anything going through his mind. He's the type of spontaneous boyfriend where one day he'd wake up and decide you two were dressing up like superheroes and so you'd go around to Panda Express and the movies dressed as batman and robin just because. He's the type of boyfriend who would go to midnight premieres of movies with you or comic conventions and probably be even more excited than you. Your name in his phone would be something stupid and he'd always be teasing you. He would be constantly instigating silly twitter wars between the two of you. When he's on tour, he'd be the type of boyfriend who would forget to text you back because he didn't want to think about missing you. To him, you'd be his best friend and his favourite person. He'd do anything in the world for you without hesitation, no matter how lame or ridiculous. You'd be the first person he thinks about when he wakes up and the last when he goes to bed. With Michael, you'd be his girlfriend, his gaming buddy, his inspiration, his best friend, and maybe his hair stylist on days he feels like he needs a new hair colour.

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