81. Hard To Get

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Luke: A smirk crosses his lips as you continue to refuse to meet his stare, knowing that the moment your eyes caught his you would be putty in his hands; thus proving that Luke's ego would grow even more when he realized that his theory that every girl loved him would be true. You'd vowed to yourself that you would be that one girl that didn't love him, you would be the different one and you would be the one that didn't fall into his hands just with one little glimpse from him. You gritted your teeth as you felt him walk behind you, purposely grabbing the back of your shirt to tease you as he acted like he wasn't bothering you. You groaned loudly and turned towards him, an evil smirk crossing your lips as you crossed your arms over your chest. "Really, Luke? Touching my clothes already, and I haven't even rejected your invitation for sex. Hm, real classy." you laugh, and a scowl replaces his smirk in a matter of seconds as he stops walking and crosses his arms over his chest. He knew you were just trying to seem like you weren't interested in him, but even the thought of anyone rejecting his offer for sex made his blood boil. How could anyone reject him? Luke laughed and tilted his head upward at you. "(Y/N), get over yourself and stop acting like you don't want me," he whispers, stepping closer and closer to you until your back is pressed up against a nearby wall and his hands are on either side of your head. You suck in a sharp breath and bite your lip, trying your hardest to admit that Luke had your heart pumping and your limbs going numb, but when he laughs and pulls away in an instant, you regret ever admitting defeat. Sometimes it was hard playing hard to get.

Ashton: "You know, you caught my eye the minute I walked into this bar," he whispers with his lips close to your ear, his hands resting lightly on your waist as he leans over the bar next to you, ordering himself a drink with a wink. You chuckle sarcastically to yourself as you roll your eyes and finish what's left of your martini as you turn towards him, your front now facing him. He was built well, nice muscles and a cute tan; his hair was curly and cute and his dimples forning at the ends of his smirk were absolutely to die for! Though, you weren't one to dive into a guy the first time you meet them, so you decided you'd hold it out as long as you could; you'd be as unavailable as you could be, just so you could have him coming back for more. "If I caught your eye, why is it you're getting someone else's attention more than mine?" you giggle, pointing behind him to a girl who's twirling her hair around her finger as she bites her lip and bats her eyelashes at him. Even you can't help but laugh at his surprised expression. You took it as he wasn't used to getting the wrong girl to be digging his vibes, and you were more than proud to be the first one to make him go back to his place alone for once. "Maybe she see's the good that's in front of her, huh?" Ashton whispers, leaning closer into you until your foreheads touch, his lips inchese away from you. You bite your lip and shrug your shoulders, pushing him gently away as you stood up from your bar stool. "Well if she does, I'd hit her up before the guy next to her takes her up." you motion over to the girl, smirking as he groans when he sees a guy hitting on her, making her laugh and giggle. "Have a nice night, okay?" you smirk and continue to saunter off, purposely swaying your hips to keep Ashton's eyes on you. Sometimes it was fun to play hard to get.

Calum: He groaned loudly as you entered the restaurant with your friends, noting how they'd stuck the two of you together for the night while they enjoyed their date together. It wasn't that you had anything against Calum, it was just the fact that you had way too much fun making him flirt and play with you while you still acted as if none of it phased you, when in reality it burnt your insides just to even pretend like you weren't wanting to jump his skin each time he spoke to you. Tonight, you were a bit scared to find out what would happen; since your friends were on an official date and you and Calun were kind of just... there. You sighed as you took the seat in the booth across from your friends, getting as close to the window as possible as Calum took the seat next to you, getting closer than any normal guy would if you weren't dating. You bit your lip as you instantly felt the pink rise to your cheeks, but you tried your hardest not to look at him so he wouldn't see your evident blush. "Anyway!" you shout out to your friends as they're leaning with their noses touching, "How about we-" you stop talking as Calum leans his lips close to your ear, his breath tickling your skin as he talks to you so no one else could hear. "Get in a separate booth and get a little time to ourselves, hm?" he asks, inching his hand closer to your thigh than it was previous moments before. You cough uncomfortably and grab a napkin in front of you, acting as if you had to sneeze to get him to back away from you. "Sorry," you whisper, then take the napkin away from your nose, "but I don't think my nose or myself are too interested in being alone with you any more than we have to be. Thanks." you reply, scrunching up your nose as you look at Calum and see his prominent smirk written across his face. "You're obviously acting like you're not interested enough in me," he says, and you laugh and shake your head. "If I was acting, you'd be able to see through it." you mumble back; but boy did he ever. Sometimes, you were dumb when it came to playing hard to get.

Michael: "I don't understand the point in you being here," you snarl in his direction as he enters your apartment behind the rest of the boys. Michael smirks to himself and flips you off, walking further into the living space to join the boys as they all sat around your living room, chattering and laughing almost as if they were right at home; and hell, since you were all best friends and had been for years, they practically were. Except when it came to Michael, almost everyone in the world knew about the sexual tension between the two of you. But, you weren't one to give in as easily as some girls were, and you weren't about to let Michael know that he could have anyone he wanted, so you acted as if he disgusted you in order to maintain your frenemy relationship. Though sometimes, when you were mean to him, you were just trying to convince yourself that you weren't attracted to the arrogant and cocky bastard you'd come to know; when in reality it was the complete opposite and your heart melted just when he entered a room. "(Y/N), do you have any beer left from last night?" Michael's voice close to your ear makes you jump and shiver, and you can't help but send a glare his way as you point and nod towards the kitchen. "You know where it is, go get some." you chuckle lightly, and he nods as he sends you a wink on the way into the kitchen. You groan inwardly and clutch at your heart, trying hard not to swoon at the gesture he sent your way. Sometimes, you regretted playing hard to get.

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