29. Ghost Hunting

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Ashton: As the old, weather beaten door came even closer into view, you felt all the warmth quickly exit your body. Stories about this old house fascinated generations of youth, and plagued the memories of the old. It was said to be haunted by an old woman who lived there decades ago, died after falling down the steps. You felt Ashton grip your hand tighter as he pulled you over to the window, attempting to peer through the dust smeared glass.

"Are you sure you want to go in?" He whispered. His soft eyes were wide and body rigid. 

The two of you had came here out of mere curiosity, you being a fan of the paranormal and Ashton always up for an adventure. You’ve been fascinated with this house and it’s story for years, but now, you started to think maybe this wasn’t the best idea.

Offering a weak smile, you shake your head in response. “Not really.”

"Good, now lets go," He turned to glance back at the old house, "This place is fucking creeping me out."

Hastily you both started to head down the stairs, the weight causing them to groan in protest. As soon as you stepped onto the cracked pavement, a muffled scratching sounded from behind the door. After sharing a look of terror with one another, you and Ashton sprinted back to the car.

Calum:  Crisp leaves were strewed across the ground. Tonight the full moon has bathed the entire cemetery with an eerie glow, casting long and stretching shadows over gravestones. You couldn’t help but glance around nervously, your senses on overdrive.

The boys had often talked about exploring this old graveyard at night. This was the first time they actually accomplished it, and of course, it had to be when you were hanging out with them. 

"Alright, well I think we uhh, should split up into groups." Michael suggested, fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie. 

The rest of the group mummered in agreement. Calum turned to you, small smile upon his lips, “Group up with me pweaseee.”

A laugh fell from your lips, relaxing your tense muscles a bit. You had a crush on Calum but you never seemed to move past the flirtation stage with him. “Alright.”

Everyone had dispersed leaving you and Calum alone. “So where do you want to start?” I ask. The nervous feeling returned once again and you weren’t sure if it was because you were scared or because you were alone with Calum.

“What about over there?” He pointed to mausoleum hidden underneath a willow tree. Just looking at it made youre skin crawl. Apparently Cal had noticed this and took your hand, “hey therea no need to be scared, I’m right here to protect you.”

Luke: As you returned from your date with Luke, somehow someway your conversation turned towards the paranormal. Perhaps it was the fact that Halloween was coming up with in the next few weeks or even the crisp, cold, nighttime air.

Feeling your phone buzz, you noticed that your mom had texted you, asking you to check on your aunts house. She was gone on vacation and asked your family to watch over her old home. Built at the turn of the last century, the house was old and definitely you’re definition of creepy; your family swore it was haunted.

A foreign feeling washed over you. “Hey Luke?” The eerie coincide had caused your voice to shake and he glanced at you concerned. 
“Yeah, is everything alright?”

You nodded, “Mhmm. My mom just texted me asking if we could stop over and check on my aunts house.” 

"It’s fine with me."

Part of you was glad that Luke agreed to go, since you’re mom would have been disappointed otherwise, but yet this was a task that you would put off at any given opportunity.

"You know, it’s kinda of ironic; just a few minutes ago we were talking about haunted houses and now we’re about to go to one."

This grabbed his attention and he glanced at you, eyebrows raised in curiosity. “Really?”

With a sigh you start to recall the stories you’ve heard over a million times, all while adding in directions at every stoplight and landmark. Finally the two of you had navigated successfully to the house. A familiar, unsettling feeling creeps up inside you. Every time you visit your aunt you get this feeling and every time it never fails to freak you out. 

Entering the vacant home, both Luke and yourself quickly do an inspection; making sure the thermostat was at a reasonable temperature, checking windows, and other little tasks.

When you finish you end up in the kitchen. Just as you are about to leave the backdoor in suddenly bursts open without warning. The sound of doors slamming in the distance echos through the house and your heart is racing in your throat. Paralyzed your arm abruptly swings behind you and you grab onto a random part of Luke, clutching him tightly. Eyes wide the next few moments seem like a total blur as you ran from the house, locking the backdoor, and getting into the car, slamming it’s doors shut behind you. 

"What the fuck," Luke mutters as you guys are now heading safely down the road, heading straight home. 

Michael: “Hey guys! Okay, so there has been rumors that this hotel is haunted so me and (Y/N) decided to do some investigating.”

You laughed watching Michael keek himself while holding a flashlight beam under his chin for effect. The light had cast dark shadows over his face and caused parts of his translucent skin to glow red.

A loud thump was heard somewhere throughout the room, “What was that?” Michael asked intensely. You had covered your mouth with your hand, trying your best to suppress your laughter.

Mike pointed the flashlight across the dark room, sending its beam wildly over the walls. A high pitched moan broke the silence.

"Did you hear that?!"  I whispered, coming up behind Michael, coming in view of the camera.

He flashed the light around again and it landed on a tall figure cloaked in a stark white bed sheet. It started to stumble towards you letting out a plethora of moans and odd noises. Michael charged towards the ‘ghost’ and starting shouting at it some choice words, most of which started with the letters ‘F’ or ‘S’, all while pushing it around. 

Ashton’s giggle started to break its way through Michael’s yelling and unnecessary roughness and he was quickly uncovered. The hotel wasn’t actually haunted, you knew that the entire time, the boys were just being their usual dork selves.

The keek had stopped filming, but the boys kept on fighting it out, leaving you to watch and die of laughter.

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