4. Drunk Confessions

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Ashton: He sat on one side of the couch and you sat on the other. Your feet were stretched out at his side, and in your hand was a beer. Discarded bottles littered the floor, you both had a little too much to drink that night. He had just finished telling you one of his tour stories, and you were trying to catch your breath from laughing so hard. You threw your head back and he could help but grin at you. Seeing you so happy and carefree was a nice change from your normally stressed out persona. When you regained your composure, you saw him staring at you with a heart-warming look. “What are you looking at, Irwin?” You slurred. He shook his head. “You have a beautiful laugh, Y/N.” Your smiled melted away and you looked at him questioningly. “That’s probably one of the nicest things you’ve ever said to me.” He laughed and sat up, moving closer to you. “I’d say a lot nicer things if you’d let me.” 

Michael: “Ok, what’s your confession?” He asked you. You and Michael were sitting on your living room floor, drunkenly confessing your deepest secrets. You sighed and reclined back until you were pressed against your couch. The beer in your hand now felt heavy even though it was half empty. You had a confession, but you weren’t sure if you should say it. Although he was buzzed, Michael wasn’t drunk enough to forget your confession in the morning. He saw the thoughtful look on your face and interjected. “Well, while you think of something, I have one of my own.” You nodded and he continued. “I like you. A lot. To be honest, you’re all I think about most days” He said. Your eyes widened and you looked down at your bottle, blushing. He grinned and leaned back against the couch. “Now that I’ve confessed, it’s your turn.” You tried to think of a way to put into words that you like him too, but there was no way. So, feeling a little brave, you moved over to him, and gave him a kiss. “I like you too.”

Calum: You snatch the fourth bottle of beer from his hand and hide it behind your back. “That’s enough for tonight, Calum.” You say. He glares at you and reaches for it, but you move it from his reach. He groans. “Come on, Y/N. I haven’t had that much.” You raise your eyebrows, but decide not to argue with your intoxicated friend. You put the beer back in the fridge and grab his arm. “Let’s get you upstairs. I’d rather not see you do anything stupid.” He drapes his arm around you, allowing you to lead him up to his bedroom. Once you’re there, he lets go, and falls onto his bed. You shake your head and scold him as you remove his shoes. It seems like an every weekend thing with Calum. You all hang out, he gets drunk, and you end up keeping him out of trouble. You’re just about to leave when he tugs at your hand. “Wait, Y/N. Stay.” You shake your head. “No, I need to get home.” He tugs a little harder and you fall onto the bed. “Please? I really want you here with me.”

Luke: You squealed as he ran up his stairs with you draped over his shoulder. “Luke, put me down. Please.” You heaved, feeling the effects of the few beers you all had consumed. He pushed open his door and tossed you onto his bed. You rolled over onto your stomach and groaned. All of that jostling around didn’t help the alcohol in your system. The bed shifted downwards as he lay beside you. “If I throw up on your stuff, it’s your fault.” He chuckled and opened his mouth to throw some snarky response, you were sure. “Don’t worry, I’ll hold your hair back.” You lifted your head and looked at him. He was blushing and turning his eyes toward the ceiling. “That’s very sweet of you, Luke.” You state, almost suspiciously. Luke gains the courage and turns his focus back to you. Your hair has messily fallen in front of your eyes, and he pushes it behind your ear. “It’s the truth.”

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