56. He Finds Out You're Pregnant

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Sorry for Lukes!


You could barely find the confidence to walk into the living room to where Ashton was sitting. He looked so peaceful and you were about to ruin it by telling him what you were about to do. You had picked up a few pregnancy tests after work today and decided to tell Ashton before you took it, not wanting him to find out on accident. You slowly took in a shaky breath and trudged to the couch to where Ashton was sitting. “Hey.” He smiled as you took a seat next to him. “Ashton, I… There’s something I need to tell you.” You say in a hushed tone. Ashton gave you a confused and concerned look before turning the TV volume down and facing you again. “Are you okay y/n?” Ashton says worriedly, taking your hand in his. “I… don’t know.” You say with a bit of a chuckle. “I’m late, Ash.” You blurt out, not wanting to drag it out any longer. He furrows his eye brows as you say this. “Late for what?” He asks, completely oblivious to what you’re about to say. “Uhh.. You know, that thing girls get once a month.” You say with a shaky voice. Ashton suddenly realizes what you mean as his eyes grow big and he swallows down hard. “D-does that mean you’re-“ “I haven’t taken the test yet, I wanted you to know before I did.” You say, cutting him off. With that being said, you guys slowly stand up and walk to the bathroom to the many tests that lie on the counter. “I’ll be out here, okay?” Ashton says as you walk in. You give him a nod before closing the door. “Here goes nothing.” You breathe out to yourself as you take the tests. You wait a few minutes, anxiously awaiting the answer. After a minute or so you check the tests, only to see a positive sign. You immediately feel tears flooding your eyes as you check test after test, seeing they’re all positive. You slump down onto the floor. “Y/n?” Ashton asks, slowly opening the door. You don’t look up, you just keep letting the tears fall. Ashton inspects all of the tests and eventually joins you on the ground, holding you in his arms. “Hey, it’ll be alright okay?” He says, trying not to break down himself. “Everything will be alright.”


“Y/n! What the fuck is this?!” You hear Calum yell throughout the house. A sudden shock of fear streams through your body. You slowly get up and walk downstairs to his voice. You soon find him in the bathroom, staring blankly at a positive pregnancy test in his hands. “Cal…” “When were you going to tell me y/n?! How long have you been keeping this little secret?” He yells as you walk in the doorway. “Calum… calm down.” You warn coolly, even though you were flipping out on the inside. “No, I’m not going to calm down, we’re just teenagers! We can’t take care of a baby!” He exclaims as he slams the test onto the counter. “Well we’re gonna have to!” You finally yell back, not wanting to take his shit anymore. “I’m keeping it, so it’s your decision if you want to stick around for us or not.” You tried to keep eye contact with a tough look on your face. You examined him closely as he looked down from your eyes and sighed heavily. “Of course I’m going to stick around, I have to. It’s my child too.” He says, wrapping his arms around you and resting his chin on your shoulder. “I don’t know how but we’ll get through this somehow.” He adds with a slight chuckle. A small smile forms on your face as he says this. “I love you Cal.” “I love you too.”


“Luke…” You say as you walk into his bedroom where he’s listening to music. He has an enormous smile on his face and pats the bed, gesturing for you to lie down beside him. You hesitate before taking a seat beside him, keeping your back up. “What’s up?” He smiles as he sits up beside you. “There’s uh, something I need to tell you.” He gives you a bewildered look, “Go on.” You heavily exhale and swallow hard. “Well…” You start with a shaky voice, “You know how we uh, when you got back from tour, we uh, we slept together.” You say, trying to avoid eye contact. He nods slowly, a confused look still on his face. “Well um, you know how I went to the doctors the other day? Well it uh, turns out I’m kinda pregnant…” You say awkwardly and nervous. You look up to him to see that his jaw is trembling and his eyes are wide. “I’m so sorry Luke.” You say as tears begin to form in your eyes. He remained silent for a minute or so before finally speaking. “Are you serious?” “I wouldn’t lie about this Luke.” He shakes his head a little and looks back at you. “We can’t have a kid… not now.” He says still shaking his head. “What do you mean?” You ask, scared as ever. “Y/n, I don’t know if I can…” He trails off as you feel a wave of anger come over you. “You made this child too, Luke. Don’t make me do this all on my own.” You say with a tough voice, but tears manage to fall from your eyes. “Y/n, I love you but I have the band, I can’t just throw it all away.” He says with a painfully honest voice. “I’m not saying you have to quit the band I’m just saying I think it’d be nice of you to stick around.” “I will stick around; I’m just saying I’m not always going to be here for you and the baby.” You just sighed and shook your head as you laid down on the bed, letting all of your tears fall free. You feel the bed dip down as Luke’s arms wrap around you and pull you to his chest. “I’m so sorry. But I’ll try my hardest to be around… I promise.” Luke whispers to you as you continue to cry. “Whatever Luke.” You say, remaining in his arms, feeling completely hopeless of what’s going to happen between you three in the future.


“What does it say, y/n?!” Michael yells through the bathroom door, anxiously waiting. You heave a sigh and open the door to see him with his hands up. “Well???” You gulp before speaking, “Positive.” You watch as Michael’s expression instantly turns into something like anger as he sucks his lips in before clenching his teeth. “Fuck.” He suddenly balls his hands into fists and punches the wall beside you. “FUCK!” He screams as you take a step back in fright. You had never seen him so angry in such a serious matter. “Damn it.” You hear him breathe out as he looks down at his throbbing fist then at the fresh hole in the wall.  He then brings his eyes to you. The usual life in his blue/green eyes had faded into hopelessness. You give him a frightened look and take another step back. “I’m sorry, y/n. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He says as he cautiously takes a step towards you. You swallow hard as he makes his way to you. “Are you okay, y/n?” He asks more calmly, giving a concerned look. You simply shake your head ‘no’ before wrapping your arms around him and allowing tears to descend down your face and onto his shirt. He immediately wraps his arms around you too, kissing your forehead. “I hope it’s a girl.” Michael whispers to you after a minute or so of standing there, causing you to giggle into his chest. You look up into his eyes, seeing that he’s holding his own tears back. “I love you Michael.” “I love you too. We’ll figure this out together y/n, don’t worry.” He says with a shaky voice before bringing you to his chest again, “Just don’t worry.”

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