47. Sleepy

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Ashton: "hey, ash! are you even listening?" you exclaim, shaking his shoulder a little when you catch his head bobbing down a little. "Huh? yeah of course babe you were saying?" he quickly regains himself and rubs his eyes with the back of his hand. "how much sleep did you get last night?" you asked him. "um, enough." he mumbles back. a giggle escapes your lips and he looks up at you in confusion. "you could've just told me you couldn't make it! I would've been fine." you reassured him. you move out of the booth the two of you were sitting in and hold your hand out. "where are we going?" he asks, taking it and standing. "home. so we can cuddle and you can get some rest." you say, pulling him out of the restaurant. he smiles and kisses your cheek. "you're the best."

Luke: you shift your weight once again, trying hard not to wake luke beside you. it's already 3am and you still haven't managed to go to sleep. luke stirs and mumbles something and you stay still, waiting for his soft snores to tell you he had fallen back asleep. but instead he turns round and slings his arm onto your waist, his chin resting on top of your head. "still can't get to sleep?" he mumbles onto your hair. you nod slightly and he trails his nose from your shoulder to the crook of your neck, pressing his lips to your skin. he hums a song softly, and runs his hand up and down your arm. soon enough you find Luke's motions slowing as he dozes off again taking you along with him.

Calum: it was your turn to choose the movie for tonight, and no matter how sappy calum thought it was, he still had to watch it with you. "do we really have to?" he says, burying his face into your hair. "yes cal, you promised." you remind him. you grab the remote and a snack from the coffee table before you place your feet atop of it. Calum pouts beside you, but makes himself comfortable, pulling the blanket you guys bought out up to his chin and putting his head onto your lap. during the movie you mindlessly run your hand through his dark hair as he hums in appreciation. in one particular scene the sounds blast through the speakers, making you flinch so you reach over to the remote, causing calum to whine. he fumbles with the blanket as he takes his arm out and grabs your hand, leading it back to his head. you smile as he sighs happily, eventually drifting off to sleep.

Michael: "Mikey, I need to go." He just stretches his arms out even more, his hands grabbing at you and his eyes still heavy lidded from sleep. he grips your hips and pulls you back into the bed next to him, burying his head Into the crook of your neck. "call in sick. say you have a family emergency. just <I>stay.</I>" comes his response, his lips brushing against your skin. knowing you wouldnt get your way, you sigh out an "alright." and you can feel his smirk on your neck as he presses little kisses onto it. "if I get fired it's on you clifford." you say. he just laughs and pulls you closer.

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