16. He Falls Asleep On You

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Ashton: You had been sitting in the back of the car chatting with all the boys after a long day at the beach. You were smiling like crazy, just loving the feel of being around your best friends again. The wind was blowing in your hair, and you were singing along to the songs on the radio. Ashton made a grab at your hand, and slowly intertwined your fingers. You smiled over at him and his cheeks heated up a bit. "I love you," he whispered in your ear. Your smile got impossibly bigger at his words, and you squeezed his hand lightly in response. You were talking to Calum about how the tour went in America when you felt a weight on your shoulder. Looking over, you saw your sleeping boyfriend on your shoulder. He was snoring softly and you just shook your head and kissed his forehead lightly. You quickly told Luke to turn down the radio as to not disturb the sleeping boy beside you.

Luke: Luke walked through the door looking worn out. He had bags under his eyes, and his hair looked like he had continuously run his fingers through it. You hopped off the couch and approached him with caution. Not quite sure what kind of mood he was going to be in. You tugged off his jacket for him and hung it up on the coatrack in the hallway you were currently standing in. He gave you an appreciative smile and placed a chaste kiss on your cheek. "Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you?" Luke commented. You giggled softly and whispered, "Maybe once or twice." He smiled broadly, pulling you tightly to his chest. You hummed in satisfaction, relishing in his warmth and his musky scent. You look up at him and frown. "You look knackered. How about i make you some tea and we can have a relaxing evening," you whispered. "Sounds great, love." You pushed Luke lightly towards the direction of the stairs, and he got the message. His laugh rumbled through the house as he trudged up the steps and towards your room. You quickly joined him back upstairs, crawling in bed with him. He had the tv turned on to a random channel, but neither one of you really cared about what was on. You beckoned Luke to come closer, and you made him rest his head in your lap. Your fingers slowly made their way through his soft hair and you heard him groan in pleasure. Continuing your ministrations for another 3 minutes, you finally noticed that Luke was sound asleep in your lap. You smiled adoringly down at your boyfriend, and made yourself comfortable on the bed as you watched him sleep in peace.

Calum: Calum had just gotten off stage after another great performance. You cheered loudly and ran to your boyfriend. He picked you up with ease and spun you around in circles. You were both laughing by the time he set you down. "You were so amazing out there!" You all but screamed. Calum blushed at your compliment, ducking his head so you wouldn't notice. "Just amazing? I was hoping for a bloody fantastic," he said cheekily. You quickly slapped him for that comment and laughed at him. "Don't you get smart with me," you tried to say sternly. But ended up in a fit of giggles after one look from Calum. Once you had both calmed down, Calum caught you off guard by picking you up and spinning you around onto his back. He ran off towards the tour bus with you laughing along the way. As soon as you got on the bus, Calum threw you on the couch and cuddled up next to you. "Cuddle?" He asked in an utterly adorable voice. Your face broke out into a grin and you quickly melted into his embrace. He buried his head in the crook of your neck and tightened his arms around you. The two of you sighed contentedly and laid there in silence. You heard Calum murmur something unintelligible into your neck and you grinned when you saw that he was asleep already. You curled up closer to him and joined him in a world of dreams.

Michael: You were sitting on the couch with Michael, watching as he continually played video games. Every once in a while you would cheer him on when you thought he was doing well. He would momentarily look away from his game to give you a heartwarming smile, then turn back to gaming. You found it cute how every time he did something wrong, he would swear, then mutter a sorry to you when he realized what he had just said. He didn't like swearing in front of you as he felt it was rude, and you loved him for it. You really didn't care whether he swore or not, but you found it endearing how he was acting like a proper gentleman. You yawned, and checked your phone to see what time it was. Feeling quite surprised to see that it was already well past midnight, you curled up into Michael's side and played with his hair to try and get his attention. He frowned in concentration, and tried batting your hand away. You sighed. "Michael, it's past midnight, we should go to bed," you said wearily. He just grunted in response and you gave up. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and muttered a goodnight. You moved away from him and stretched out on the couch a bit, not wanting to leave him. You fell asleep within seconds and hoped that your boyfriend would actually get some sleep tonight. You woke up some time later to see the room filled with the blue light coming off of the tv. Looking around the room, momentarily forgetting where you were, you saw Michael and everything came back to you. You almost laughed at the current position your boyfriend was in. He was cuddling you calves and had his head rested on your knees. You weren't sure how he could be comfortable in a position like that, but you found it quite hilarious. Pulling your phone out, you took a quick picture of him and put it on twitter. He would be in for a surprise in the morning you thought as you nudged him awake and dragged him off to his bunk.

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