55. You Can't Sleep

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It was the first night that Calum had gotten back from tour and you were both way to excited to be with each other to get sleep. It was reaching 5 am and you two were laying in bed with your arms and legs tangled around each other, getting as close as you possibly could. You were trying to sleep but Cal kept kissing your nose and cheeks causing you to giggle and move away from him. This only made Calum become more playful and he began tickling you and doing anything he could to get your attention on him. “Cal I don’t think we’re getting sleep any time soon.” He dropped his face to your shoulder, mumbling “So what do you want to do?” You sighed, “What is there to do? It’s 5 in the morning.” He kissed your shoulder gently and climbed out of bed. “Get dressed, we’re gonna go on a walk.” You giggled and headed to your dresser, “where are we going to walk to?” You asked and slid on a comfy sweater. He shrugged, “Anywhere.” You two left the house hand in hand and ended up walking to the park, which was almost halfway across town. But neither of you seemed to mind, you were enjoying each others company. He told you stories that happened on tour and you told him all the things you did while he was gone. When the sun started rising you walked back home and fell asleep cuddled on the couch.


You glanced away from your bowl of cereal as the ringing of your phone caught your attention. Your eyebrow arched as you leaned over and looked at the screen. You were receiving a Skype call from your boyfriend, Ashton, who was in the UK at the moment. Without hesitation, you answered it right away. It’s been a while since you’ve actually been with Ash in person, and it’s been a few days since you’ve heard his voice. The aching in your heart was getting unbearable.”Ash?” “Hi Baby,” his scratchy voice cracked. “Did I interrupt something? Were you busy? I’m really sorry if I did. I’m just really tired and I want to sleep, but I can’t because this bed is so empty and cold without you and I miss you so much and I needed to see you. Sorry for not video chatting you sooner. We were busy with all these meetings. Honestly, Y/N, I’m all over the place right now and I can’t think straight and I keep using run on sentences and I need you with me or I might just lose my mind and go as mad as a rabbit.” For twenty minutes, the two of you Skyped. You let Ashton talk about everything that has happened so far and as you listened, you had the strong urge to rush over to where he was and shower him with hugs and kisses. “ASHTON, GO TO FUCKING SLEEP,” a sleepy voice called in the background. “Hey, don’t swear, Michael,” Ashton scolded. You never talked about ending the call, since you didn’t want to stop talking, and neither did he. But eventually, he fell asleep and his device slid out of his hands and landed on his chest. You whispered a,’sweet dreams, I love you,’ and hung up. 


It was about 3 in the morning and you weren’t even the least bit tired. You’ve been staring up at the ceiling thinking of how to solve the worlds problems. So far you’ve found the solutions to end world hunger and terrorism. You looked to your side and saw your boyfriend Luke sleeping like a cute little baby. You glared at him. Why was he allowed to sleep and you weren’t? What kind of demon put you up to this? If you had to suffer, so did he. “Lukey,” you whispered and shook his shoulders. “Psst. Luke,” you urged, poking his side. “Whaaaat,” he groaned in a rough voice. He pulled the blankets over his face. “I can’t sleep.” You frowned. He let out a tired sigh and turned to face you. He stared at you for a couple seconds. “Go pick out a movie,” he said. “We’ll watch it until you fall asleep.” You smiled and got up, heading to the living room to get your favorite movie. You popped it in the dvd player and cuddled next to Luke until you both fell asleep.


It was 4 in the morning, and you were awoken by some beeping sounds and a bright light. You groaned and opened your eyes, seeing your boyfriend, Michael, playing Pokemon on his Nintendo DS Lite. ”Michael, what are you doing?” you asked grumpily, not very glad that you were interrupted in your blissful sleep. ”I’m battling Hoot Hoot. Damn thing keeps on showing up,” he sighed,”I’m getting so frustrated.” You grumbled and pulled the covers up to cover your face from the bright light. “Same.” Minutes later, Michael was still playing, and you were still laying there waiting for him to turn it off. “Michael it’s fucking four in the morning and that shit is bright and loud oh my gosh go to bed,” you begged him. He chuckled and smiled down at you. You furrowed your eyebrows and winced at the light from the device. “What are you laughing at?” “Nothing,” he laughed again, looking back at the DS and continuing the game. “You’re so cute when you’re all frustrated and grumpy.” “Just wait until I punch you in the face. I won’t be so cute then, would I?” you replied. “Shut up, you’re always cute,” Michael said while wrapping his arms around your face and hugging it while you tried wiggling away with a giggle.

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