20. He Plays With Your Hair

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Ashton: You had your head in his lap as you lie on your side watching a movie he had put in. You had a rough couple of days at work, and finally you were able to unwind and relax with Ashton. You tried focusing on the movie playing in front of you, but it proved to be difficult as his fingers ran through your hair splayed out on his lap. “Your hair is so soft,” He said lowly and you hummed as his hands ran through your long strands over again. He started at the roots and made his way down to the ends, combing endlessly. Eventually, your focus drifted from the movie, and you closed your eyes to relax against his lap. He chuckled as you nudged yourself further back so he could continue to run his hands through your hair and massage your scalp. “Are you getting tired of this?” You asked after a while, not wanting to be a nuisance. “Not at all, I know it’s relaxing you babe, you’ve had a stressful couple of days. Just close your eyes love, relax…” He said bending over to kiss your forehead as you sighed, letting his fingers run through your hair. 

Calum: “Calum! Can you come here?” You yelled from the other room. You heard the sound of his feet on the floor as he neared you, and you once again tried to tug a piece of hair behind your ear without smearing paint in your hair. “Sup my girl?” He said leaning against the doorframe. “Looks good!” He said staring at your canvas. “Cal, can you braid my hair or tie it back? Just get it out of my face!” You said laughing as he came nearer to you. “You know I suck at this!” He whined walking towards you. “Just try? I don’t want to let this dry or it’s not going to blend, elastics on the table,” you said picking up your brush and dipping it in the dollop of paint next to you. You heard him huffing as his fingers gently pulled it out of your face, and grouped it in his large hands. He ran a hand through it to break it into three bunches and he began trying to braid it. Surprisingly, he was extremely gentle, not tugging on you and constantly asking if that was too tight. “You know, I used to do this to my sister but you’d think it be better then this…” He said wrapping the elastic around the end of it. You kissed his cheek as he stepped beside you. “It’s out of my face, and right now that’s all I care about.” You said focusing back on your canvas. “Call me when you’re done.” He said patting your shoulder and leaving you to your painting.

Luke: Luke and yourself sat on the couch, him on his phone and you staring out the window playing with your hair. You grabbed your bangs and began braiding them, paying no attention to what your fingers were doing. You blinked, adverting your gaze from the dreary day outside to see Luke staring at you. “How are you doing that without looking?” He said in amazement, his expression a scene of wonder. You laughed, starting to take out the braid and comb out the tats. “Practice I guess,” You shrugged your shoulders, grinning. “Teach me.” He said sitting up straighter. “Sorry?” You said looking at him in confusion. “Teach me how to braid, c’mon it will be fun!” He said scooting closer to you. You raised an eyebrow. “Why? You don’t have a reason to,” You said, not meaning to be mean. “Well, let’s say we get married one day and have kids. What if they’re girls? I’m going to have to learn to braid their hair if you’re not around!” He said, his tone serious. You broke out into a smile, loving the idea. “C’mere then,” You said willing him over. He sat between your legs, and you broke a strand off for him. You instructed him on how to braid, showing him over and over again and letting him try. Eventually he got it, in a slow pace. They were loose but nonetheless he did it. “Good job Luke! But really, you want to have kids?” You said as he combed out the strand again, starting a fresh one. “Well yeah, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He said, as if it was the simplest answer ever. You smiled, blushing a small bit and thinking to yourself that you wanted that too.

Michael: “It would look so cool though, just a bit!” He said combing through your hair. You had accidentally mentioned that it would be cool to dye your hair one time and now Michael wouldn’t get off of you about it. “Like just a bit in your bangs, all I would do would be that much. It would look so wicked. Your natural colour would compliment it!” He said showing you in the mirror. “You’ve been hanging out with Lou too much,” You mumbled. He playfully glared at you, and you broke out into a smile. “What colour though? Like something nuts like yours or like just a tonal difference?” You said running a hand through your hair. He looked at you for a while, making you start to wiggle under his hard stare. “Something fun, like purple or blue. Maybe like red?” He said. He ran a hand through your hair again, picking up the strand he held before and showing you. “Just this? Please? The fans would think it would be so cute… and it would be bloody hot.” He said raising an eyebrow at you. You groaned, “you’re a bad influence you know that? Do it before I change my mind.” You moaned, hopping on the counter and kicking your feet. Two hours later, Michael had stood in front of you, his tongue sticking out slightly as he applied the colour, and helped you rinse it out. You let your hair dry, as he kept you out of the sight of mirrors wanting it to be a surprise. He led you to the bathroom after, showing you the new colour and you gasped as his hand ran through your hair again. “See? It looks freaking sexy babe, that looks great on you!” He said, swishing it around. You laughed as he continued to play with it, smiling at you in the mirror. “I actually like it,” You said. “When have you ever doubted me?” He gave you a coy smile before pecking your lips.

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