Chapter 1

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Katniss's P.O.V

I lay in bed and think about the past. My terrible past.

I think about my first Hunger Games, my second, and how I have had to mentor kids. I am just glad that my own kids haven't been in the games.

I start to hear my kids start to get up. I slowly get out of bed and get ready for the day. Today is a special day. President Fire will be announcing what will happen for the 4th quarter quell.

Ever since President Snow passed away due to a heart attack, President Fire took over and basically changed the games. He made them deadlier than they use to be.

I thought after the last quarter quell, that would have been the last one. But it wasn't. That same year, President Snow died and was replaced.

"Get out of my room, Matthew!" I hear my daughter, Alyssa, shout. I walk out of my bedroom and look into Alyssa's. Matthew is in there and Alyssa has her hands on her hips.

"Matthew, get out of Alyssa's room." I say. I make sure that Matthew gets out of her room before I leave.

"Mom?" Alyssa calls out.

"Yes, sweetie." I answer while coming back into her room.

"What will this year's Hunger Games be like?" She asks.

"I really don't know. This Hunger Games will be a very special one. No one but the president knows." I explain.

"Will I be in it?" She asks.

"I don't know. I hope not." I say. "Breakfast will be ready soon."

I walk out of her room and go into the kitchen. I start taking out some eggs and bread when Peeta comes in.

"Morning, honey." He says. "Are the kids up?"

"Yeah. Where have you been?" I ask.

"The bakery. I still can't believe that I got it back up and running." He explains. The bakery burned down due to a fire. It took a long time to get it back up.

"I am going to go hunting with Gale today. Can the kids stay with you?" I ask. Normally, the kids would be going to school. But not today.

"That's fine. Just be careful out in those woods." Peeta says. "And don't get caught by the peacekeepers."

"I know, I know." I say. The peacekeepers are more strict than they use to be. So Gale and I have to be a little more careful.

"I'll always be at Haymitch's house later." I tell Peeta.

"You better bring him some alcohol. He might not survive the night without it." Peeta jokes. Haymitch is always drinking, but there has been a shortage of drinks at his house so Peeta and I have to keep it all stocked up.

"Stay away from me!" I hear Alyssa shout.

"You sure you don't want to take the kids?" Peeta jokes.

"Positive." I say.

I walk up to the fence with caution. The fence actually gets turned on each day.

I stand as close to the fence as I dare and listen closely. I am about go through the fence when I hear it. A faint humming noise.

I stand back from the fence and scowl.

"The fence on?" asks a unfamiliar voice. I turn around a see Gale walking towards me.

"Sadly, yes." I tell him. I can tell that he is disappointed as well. The one day he is not working in the mines, the fence turns on. "What should we do now?"

"I don't know." He says.

"I really want to hang out with you." I tell Gale.

"Me too. The work in the mines can be really tiring and boring. I want to do something that may be tiring but also fun." Gale says.

Gale and I have started walking in some direction. We don't know where to go, so we walk.

"I am going to go to Haymitch's house later. Wanna come with me?" I ask.

"I'd better not. I am not to sure that he likes me." He says.

"Haymitch doesn't like anyone." I say.

"He likes you and Peeta." Gale points out.

"He likes Peeta, but only puts up with me. And I am totally fine with that." I tell Gale.

That's when we hear gunshots. We both look at each other and then look to where we heard the noise. It was coming from the Square.

"Firing squad." Gale says. Right when he says this, more gunshots ring out.

"I feel sorry for the person who deserves that." I say.

"I'm not. He and\or she probably deserves it. Breaking the law is something that you shouldn't do." Gale says.

"You know, we could get shot at on a daily basis for hunting." I remind him.

"But not today. We didn't go hunting." He says.

I laugh. "I wish we did though. It really takes my mind off tonight."

"I hope it is nothing too bad." He says.

"It's the fourth quarter quell. The hundredth Hunger Games. The officials are sure to make this one a game we won't forget." I say. "I better get to Haymitch's."

I say a quick goodbye to Gale and head towards my old mentor's house.

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