Chapter 34

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Camille's P.O.V

A twelve? I got a twelve? Crap.

"I knew that was coming." My dad says. He got an eight. My mom got a seven and my brother got an eight. 

"Yeah. But I am glad that I did what I did. It felt really good." I say. I think back to what I did. Good times. Good memories. 

"I just want you to be safe." My mom says. "Where are the butterflies?"

I look at her in confusion. Then, I realize what happened. My mom got a little insane in her Hunger Games. She is fine now, but sometimes she will just say the most random things. Like her asking where the butterflies are. 

"Let's get you to bed." My dad says, taking Annie to their room. I look at Jet and he is watching the screen. I forgot that they were still showing the scores. They are at District 10 now. 

"I can't wait for the games to begin." I tell Jet. He doesn't look at me.

"Why?" He asks. "If anything, you should be wanting to go home and not go to the games." 

"Eh, I'm weird like that. Plus, believe it or not, I am going to have an advantage."


"For one thing, I have an alliance with the Careers. Second, people will want to hunt me down and kill me. I can kill them when they come at me. This is perfect!"

"District 12 is getting their scores." Jet randomly says. I focus on the screen and watch the scores roll by. I don't pay attention to the first two scores. But I do focus on Matthew's scores. 

"Matthew Mellark, with the score of twelve." 

Oh my God. They did not. They couldn't have.

"Well, there goes your little boyfriend. Unless that he has an advantage too." Jet says. I am too shocked to speak. "I am going to bed."

Jet gets up and walks to his room. I hear him close his door, but I stay where I am.

I keep thinking back to Matthew's twelve. He shouldn't have gotten a twelve. He won't last a day in the arena. But I also got a twelve. But I am prepared for this. I don't know if he is. But one question just plagues my mind.

How did he get a twelve?

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