Chapter 35

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Matthew's P.O.V

"You what?!" My mom shrieks.

"Calm down, Katniss." My dad says.

"Calm down?! How can I calm down?!" She shouts. I see Alyssa staring at me with wide eyes.

"I can explain!" I shout.

"Oh, you better." Mom says. "How the hell did you end up killing the Head Gamemaker?"

"It all started when I walked into the room." I begin. "All of the gamemakers were staring at me. I was creeped out at first, but relaxed after a couple minutes. Anyways, I walked to the center of the room. I looked around to see what I could do. I decided to throw a couple spears.

"I went over to where the spears are, picked up a couple, and set them down at the center of the room. Then, I grabbed a couple targets. Once I set them up just right, I grabbed and spear and threw one.

"The gamemakers seemed impressed. All but one. The Head Gamemaker. I kept throwing spears and kept getting bulleyes every time. After every throw, I would look up at the gamemakers. They all were complementing on how good a thrower I am. But the Head Gamemaker was not impressed at all.

"He disappeared when I looked back up there after I threw another spear. I was about to pick another one up when a hand took it. I looked up and saw the Head Gamemaker. 'Fight me.' He commanded me. 'Fight me!'

"I was scared, I have to admit. He threw the spear across the room. I flinched when it hit the floor. 'Fight me hand on hand.' He commanded me. I looked up nervously at the gamemakers. They were shocked about what is happening. I took  a deep breath and looked at the Head Gamemaker.

"'Ready?' He asked me. I nodded my head, too scared to speak. He threw a punch at me, but I barely dodged it. He threw another punch at me, landing a blow to my ribs. To be honest, I didn't even feel it. I threw a punch at the gamemaker and it made mark on his nose.

"His nose started to bleed. He put a hand to his nose, but kicked me in the leg. I punched him again and this time, it hit him in the throat. He put a hand to his throat, trying to catch his breath. I didn't let him. I kicked him in the ribs, and he went down. Hard.

"I pinned him to the ground, thanking Camille for teaching me these combat moves in my head. The Head Gamemaker didn't try to escape. Instead, he gave me a knife. I looked at it, and then back at the gamemaker. 'Kill me.' He whispered. I shook my head 'no' but he just made an exasperated sound. 'Just do it.'

"I looked away when I plunged the knife into his chest. I felt him stop breathing shortly after. I looked at him and almost broke down crying. I quickly got off him and looked up at the gamemakers. They were shocked. I looked down and saw that my shirt was bloody.

"'You may go now.' Someone said. I nodded my head and walked to the elevator. 'Wait!' I hear the same voice shout. I looked up and saw someone throw a jacket at me. I put it on and walked to the elevator. That's my story."

Everyone stayed quiet after that. I took this advantage to go to my room. I quickly get up and walk to my room. I shut the door and breath a sigh of relief. I looked down and realized that I still had the jacket on. I quickly take it off and throw it across the room. An Avox can come and put it away or something.

I take off my blood-stained shirt and also throw it on the floor. I take of my jeans and throw them on the floor. Looks like an Avox will be busy.

I throw myself into bed, get under the covers, and feel really stupid. I get up from the bed, take off my shoes and socks, throw those things on the floor, and get back into bed. Finally, I relax. Today was a long day. Tomorrow, I will be getting trained for the interviews.

I close my eyes and sleep a dreamless sleep.   

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