Chapter 76

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Camille's P.O.V

I'm crying. I'm running. I'm crying while I'm running. I continue to run until I can't.

I sit down on the ground, pull my knees up, and bury my face into my knees. I let go of myself. I sob till I can't no more. I don't care if someone hears me. Not anymore.

After I cry myself out, I lift my head up to look at my backpack. I take the pack and open it up. At first, it looks like nothing is there. Then, I see something at the bottom of the bag. I take it out and stare at it.

It's a bracelet. But not just any one. It's the one Jet gave me for my first Reaping. He told me that nothing bad will happen if I wear it. I know that is not true, but I don't care.

It is silver with little charms all around it. The charms don't mean anything, but at the same time it does. There is a fish, a sun, a flower, a bird, and my name in fancy writing.

I put it on, letting myself relax. Then, I hear a cannon fire. I barely notice though. Then, another cannon fires. The tributes are really going at it right now.

I'm not going back there. I got my backpack. I saw my brother dead on the ground. And I killed a crazy person. I don't want to get into another bad thing.

I get up and continue to walk in the opposite direction of the Cornucopia.

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