Chapter 59

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Matthew's P.O.V

"Matthew." A soft, sweet voice calls out my name. "Wake up."

I open my eyes to see Camille standing by my side. I sit up and realize something. I'm back home in District 12. And Camille right next to me.

"What's going on? I thought we were in the arena." I say.

She laughs softly, a sound I haven't heard. "You had that dream again, didn't you?" She asks.

"What dream? What's going on here?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" She asks, confusion on her face. "Are you feeling okay?"

She puts the back of her hand on my forehead, like you would to a little child who may have a fever. "I remember that we were being chased by tracker jackers. My sister is dead because of those tracker jackers."

"It was just a dream. I still can't believe it has been a year since all that happened." She says. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."

She walks out of the bedroom. I get out of bed, looking around. Everything is so different. I recognize some of my stuff, but some things I don't recognize.

I notice some framed pictures on a dresser. I look at them and can't believe my eyes. They're of Camille and me. One picture is of her outside while snow is falling. She is sitting on the fountain that is at the entrance of the Victors Village. Her face is tilted up at the sky, smiling. Another picture is of her and me wearing really fancy clothes at what seems to be a party. The last picture is of her and me holding a piece of paper while kissing. We are in front of some building, but I don't recognize it.

I pick up the one with Camille looking up at the sky during a snowfall. Suddenly, my surroundings change. I am now outside during a snowfall. I an holding a camera, looking at a very excited Camille. I look at the camera's screen and can't believe my eyes. It is the same picture I just picked up back in the house.

Camille is now looking at me. "Is the picture good?" She asks me. She gets up from the fountain and walks over to me. She looks at the picture and gasps. "That looks awesome."

"Yeah, it does." I say.

"Too bad District 4 doesn't get snow. It is just way too hot there. But then, I wouldn't have been able to see it for the first time without you." She says.

She puts her arms around me, still smiling. Then, everything fades. My surroundings, the snow, Camille.

I am back in the room. What's going on? I look at the picture, which I am still holding, and wonder what just happened. It is like I just went into the photo and experienced what just happened. That's weird.

I set the picture back down. Then, curiosity gets the better of me. Will the same thing happen to the other photos? I think to myself.

I pick up the picture of Camille and me at some party. Again, my surroundings change. I hear people talking all around, music, the clinking of glasses.

"Thanks, you two." The person who took the photo says.

"Can I see it?" Camille asks.

"Sure." The photographer says. Camille walks over to him and looks at the picture.

"Matthew, come see this." She says. I walk over to her and look at the picture. It is the same picture on the dresser. "That looks amazing. Can I get a copy of this, please?"

"Of course." The photographer says.

"Come, come. Time for more people to see our victors." I hear a familiar voice say. Effie.

Victors. I think to myself. Only one other time did two victors won the games. My parents. Now, Camille and I won. But this is the first time when a tribute from different districts have won. How did that happen?

"Ready, Matthew?" Camille asks me. I look at her and smile.

"Ready." I say. Then, everything fades. The noises and the setting. I'm back in the bedroom, still holding the picture from the party.

That was the Victory Tour. We were at the Capitol. I set that picture down and pick up the picture that I have been saving for last. The picture of Camille and me holding a piece of paper.

The scenery changes. Camille and I are kissing each other while holding the piece of paper that is a mystery for me. We break away, smiling.

"There you go." A woman says. She hands over a camera to Camille.

"Thank you so much." Camille says.

"Anytime." The woman says. With that, she walks away.

"I can't believe we just did that." Camille says.

I look down at the paper and I can't help but smile. The paper was for marriage. The paper that officially makes two people married. And Camille and I are just that. We got married.

"I can't believe it either." I say.

"This is probably the best idea you have ever had." She says.

It was my idea? I can agree with that.

"Let's get out of here. It is getting colder out." She says.

"Yeah. Let's get home, Mrs. Mellark." I say, trying out the name.

She laughs and holds my hand. She kisses me and everything fades. No! I love this picture. Life. Whatever this is called! I think to myself. And I'm back in the bedroom. I set the picture down, understanding everything.

I go to the kitchen, which was really easy to find. Camille is in the kitchen, like she said she was going to be, and cooking breakfast. I smile at her, glad that I have a life with her.

Then, black spots start to cloud my vision. Suddenly, everything turns dark.

The last thing I remember is seeing Camille turning around, sensing that I came into the kitchen, and smiling at me.

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