Chapter 79

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Camille's P.O.V

I listen to the sounds of the forest. I am walking around, not having a destination in mind. I keep looking at the bracelet, thinking about Jet. Thinking about my family and friends. My home.

A loud, piercing scream fills the air. Then, another scream. Then, two cannons fire. What was that? Suddenly, the sky darkens. It is now nighttime. What the hell? It was noon just a minute ago.

Then, the anthem plays. But it sounds distorted. Images of the tributes that have dies today are shown on the sky. The images are blurry, but you can read what district each were from.

First up is the guy from District 3. Then, Jet. Two people from District 5. And then two people from District 10. Then, everything just stops. The music suddenly stops, the images just disappear. What the hell is going on?

Then, animal noises fills the arena. Wolf howls, roars, any animal noises you can think of. It reminds me of a horror movie. I start to run. I don't know where to, but I run. Then, I hear footsteps running after me.

I look behind me and see a dark shape running towards me. I look ahead of me and continue to run. I try to confuse it, but it keeps up with me. I try to outsmart it, but it seems like it is trying to outsmart me. And I think it did.

More shadowed animals show up, chasing me. Some appear in front of me, making me change my direction. I just keep running. My lungs feel like they are on fire, but I don't dare stop.

I think I am heading towards the Cornucopia now. No other shadow animals block my path. And I might be imaging it, but it seems like there are less animals chasing me.

Another scream fills the air, and then a cannon fires. I don't stop. Then, the footsteps behind me stop. I quickly look behind me and see that the shadow animals have stopped. I stop as well, really taking a risk. They don't move.

I take a step towards them, and they growl at me. I stop. I take a step to my left, and more growling sounds. I look to my left and see more shadow animals. I look to the right, and more appear. I look behind me, the direction of the Cornucopia, and see no shadow animals. I get the message. Message received.

I walk towards the Cornucopia, cautiously. I keep track of my surroundings. No one comes towards me. Is this the end? How many tributes are even left?

I am close to the edge of the forest when this foul odor fills the air. I cough and gag, but I continue to walk. The smell gets stronger and stronger.

Once I reach the forest's edge, I almost scream, cry, and throw up.

There are dead bodies all around the Cornucopia.

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