Chapter 16

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Matthew's P.O.V

So she feels the same way about me. I don't know what came over me. I wasn't planning on kissing her, but I did. And she kisses me back. I hope my parents didn't see that. That would not be good.

"I got to go. I want to see what the Careers are planning. Later." Camille says. She kisses my cheek and walks away. I watch her walk over to the Careers and I sigh. This is not a good idea. I hope I don't have to kill her in the games.

I walk over to where my family is. They are talking to the same people before the Opening Ceremonies began. I tune out of the conversation and think back to what just happened a few minutes ago. Then, I feel a poke in my side.

I look and see that my sister poked me. She takes my hand and drags me away from the group. "You kissed the lethal killer!" She says out loud.

"Shhh!" I say quickly. I cover her mouth with my hand which was not a good idea. She bites my hand. I jerk my hand away from her mouth. Thank God it isn't bleeding. "Don't tell Mom and Dad."

"And why shouldn't I?" She asks.

"Because I don't know who they will react." I say.

"You can't get in trouble now! You are about to die!" She says, a little to excitedly. Why is she so happy to see me die?

"And that is a good thing?" I ask, just curious about what she would say.

"For me. That way, I can go home as a winner!" She says excitedly. "I want to be rich and have a rich family!"

"What if I win?" I ask.

"You won't win. I will." She says. And after that, she walks back over to the group.

She knows. She saw Camille and me. She better not tell our parents. Or else she will be dead before the games even begin.

I look over to where the Careers are. I see Camille casually talking to them. I wonder what she means by "the alliance won't be for long." What does she have planned?

"Matthew! We are leaving with or without you!" Alyssa announces. I look at her and see that she is waiting with me. Everyone else from the group had left already.

I walk over to my sister and towards the elevator. Once we get there, we see the group there. So they didn't leave us.

They are waiting for the elevator. I see Camille is with the group. She gives me a smile and talks to her brother.

Then, the elevator gives a little ding to let us know that it has arrived. We all pile in. Thank God for spacious elevators.

To soon we are at District 4's floor. The family says goodbye and exits the elevator. Then, we stop at District 7's floor. Finally, it is our turn.

When we exit, we are greeted with the biggest and nicest place I have ever seen. The floors are white and so are the walls. Except for one. The wall on the right of us is all glass.

There are chandeliers everywhere and there is a huge spiral staircase on the far left. That must lead to our bedrooms.

"Since we are District 12, we get the penthouse." Effie is saying. "Fabulous, right?"

We all agree. Effie escorts us to our bedrooms. Temporary bedrooms. When I enter my bedroom, I go straight to the shower.

It took me a while to figure out what all the buttons on the shower panel do. Then, you got more buttons on the sink. How many buttons do you really need.

I go into the bedroom and head straight towards the closet. Damn it! More buttons.

I finally figure out what to do and pick out an outfit that's me. A black T-shirt, black jeans, and black shoes. I am really into dark clothes, unlike my sister.

Then, I hear Effie knocking at my door. "Dinner's ready!" She says outside the door.

I walk out of my bedroom and head towards the dining room. Once I enter, I am struck by all the glass and white objects. Everything here is basically breakable!

I sit down by my sister who is dressed in all pink. The girls is obsessed with pink. It's like she doesn't know any other colors.

Once everyone is seated, even our stylists join for dinner, Avoxs gives us course after course after course. I am too stuffed to eat by the fourth course.

I see that my sister isn't looking too hungry right also. She looks at me and I look at her. We both know we can't eat another thing.

I look at Mom and Dad and they are eating everything. Probably because they have been here before. A bunch of times.

Once everyone is done with dinner, we head into the sitting room. We watch the recaps of the Opening Ceremonies. Not much to watch, really. Just a bunch of people parading around the city. President Fire gives a speech and it's over.

"Okay, everyone! Time to get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big, big, big day!" Effie announces.

We all head to our bedrooms. I strip down to just my boxers. I slip into bed and fall asleep very quickly.

I just hope I dream of Camille.

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