Chapter 80

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Matthew's P.O.V

What is going on?

Why is this happening? Is this the end?

My mom and I are running away from some animals that want to kill us. We dodge trees, jump over branches, everything. But sometimes, the animals would block the path we were running in, so we had to change course.

Johanna's P.O.V

I have never run so fast in my life. But my life depends on it. Animals chasing me, blocking my paths. This takes a lot out of you.

And what was up with the anthem and images earlier? What the hell is going on? Is this the end? Because this is probably the most dramatic.

Matthew's P.O.V

I don't know how long we keep running, but suddenly the animals stop chasing us. I stop and turn around. My mom keeps running, then stops too.

"What are you doing?!" She yells to me. "Come on!"

"They're not chasing us anymore!" I yell back. I keep staring at the still animals.

"I don't care. We have got to go!" She shouts. I ignore her.

I take a step towards the animals, but they growl. I look around and see that they are everywhere. Everywhere except behind me. I turn towards Mom and she notices what I am noticing.

Johanna's P.O.V

They have stopped. The animals have stopped. I slowly stop and look around. They are everywhere except in the direction I was heading. I continue to walk in the direction I was heading, holding on tightly to my axe.

A smell hits my nose like a tidal wave. The air smells like rot and blood. It makes me wanna throw up.

Matthew's P.O.V

I just threw up behind some bushes. A smell that's like death fills the air. My mom is not looking too good either. We continue to walk in the direction that is not surrounded by wolves.

We reach the edge of the forest and I hear my mom gasp. I look around the Cornucopia and almost throw up again. There are dead bodies everywhere.

Johanna's P.O.V

I reach the edge of the forest. That explains the smell. Dead bodies everywhere. Some are covered in blood, some have skin peeling off of them, some are skeletons, some are half skin-covered and half skeleton. It is a sickening sight.

What kind of finale is this?

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