Chapter 64

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Camille's P.O.V

I wake up to a bright sun. I squint my eyes to the sudden brightness. Once my eyes adjust, I look around and see that everyone is up. Except for Katniss and Matthew, of course.

I fell asleep on my watch. I slept on Jet's shoulder. And he is still right next to me. I move my head from this shoulder and look at him.

"Look who finally wakes up." He says.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever. I'm gonna guess that you didn't sleep last night."

"I don't need it. But I will be sleeping tonight. And you better not sleep during your watch. That's not being a good tribute."

I laugh. "Like anyone is a good tribute." I stand up and stretch. "Anything new?"

He gets up as well. "Nope. Mom wanted to see you, but you were sleeping. You might want to go see what she wants."

"Okay." I say. I walk over to where my mom is. She is by the salt water that is still in the sections by the Cornucopia. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. I want to know how you are doing?" She asks, not looking at me.

"Fine." I say suspiciously. "There is more you want to talk to me about, isn't there?"

"Yes." She says.

I wait a couple seconds for her to continue. "What is it?" I ask impatiently.

She faces me. "Last night, your father's face was shown in the sky."

My eyes go wide. "What?" I say quietly. "That's not right. There's got to be a mistake. He's not dead! He can't be!"

"It's okay." My mom says, pulling me into a hug. I hold in my tears, not wanting the people all over Panem to see. "Everything will be okay."

"Does Jet know?" I ask.

"Yes. He saw the sky last night." She says. "I had to tell you. You had to know."

I pull away from my mom and notice that she is trying to hold in her tears as well. "What are we gonna do?"

"Like we've been doing. Survive. Don't let your father's death bring you down." She says. Then, she mentions something that I have remembered since the Reaping. "Remember after you got picked from the Reaping for your first games? During the visitor hour, your father said something that you should keep in mind. Do what's right. Giving up now will not be right. You know what is."

I nod, understanding completely. Mom puts her hand on my face, giving me a sad smile. "Do what's right." She softly says.

She walks away and starts to talk to Johanna. Then, a cannon goes off. I quickly look behind me and see that everyone else is looking worried too.

Then, the ground begins to shake. I lose my balance and fall down. "Earthquake!" Johanna yells.

Trees are falling and big waves are crashing onto the beach. And I'm close to the water. Too close.

One of the waves crashes down on me, dragging me into the water. I try to breath, but can't. Finally, I come up to surface.

I am only up for about three seconds before another wave pushes me down. I try to seem back up to surface, but the current is so strong. Finally, I reach the surface. I try to swim back to the beach, but get taken out by a wave. Again.

I have been swallowing so much salt water, that my throat feels like sandpaper. I am back up to surface before I know it. I swim towards on of the little paths that lead to the Cornucopia.

I get taken under and I'm back up again. I just reached the path when another wave crashes down on me, making me hit my head on the rocky path. Black spots dance in my vision, but I force myself to get back up to surface.

I climb the slippery, rocky path and cough up salt water when I am on it. My throat feels like it is on fire.

Then, I see a tree is about to crash right on Jet. I try calling out but couldn't for two reasons. One, my voice barely comes out as a whisper. Second, another waves smacks down on me.

Then, I hear a crashing noise. I see the tree start to fall. Jet looks up and I see someone push him out of the way. He barely misses the tree. Then, the ground starts to go stable again. The waves have been getting less unbearable. Finally, it all stops.

I try to stand up, but fall down. The ground may be still, but my body is shaking like crazy.

I try standing up again, and almost fall down again. But I keep my balance. I slowly make my way back to the beach. I fall down a couple times, but I get right back up.

Finally, I reach the beach. Then, I realize something. Is Katniss and Matthew alright? They are still under the tracker jacker induced dreams.

I see Johanna is by Matthew and Katniss, making sure they are alright. I sigh a breath of relief. Then, I see Jet. He is standing by the tree that would have crushed him. I walk over to him.

"Are you okay? I almost saw you get crushed by this tree." I say. "Who pushed you out of the way?"

I look around and can't seem to find Mom. "Where's Mom?" I ask.

"She's the one who pushed me out of the way." He says.

He points to where the tree is. "She's under there." He says.

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