Chapter 22

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Matthew's P.O.V

I am sitting on one of the couches in the sitting room. This plan is going to work. I didn't know that Dad was good at plans. Then again, there are a lot of things that I don't know about him or Mom.

That's when I hear my mom and dad saying that it's time. I get up and walk over towards them.

"I'm going to go get Alyssa." My mom says. She was up the stairs to Alyssa's room. I am standing hear with my dad.

"Are you sure that this plan is going to work?" I ask him. I am starting to have some doubts.

"Just relax and do what the plan says." He says. I mentally go over the plan in my head.

First, I do some of the same things she is doing. But not all of them. Unless she invites me. Next, I will sit next to her at lunch. That's when I can get to know her. I mean, I can get to know her during the actual trying but I want to concentrate on just training. Finally, I will come up with something to do for the both of us. It will be something fun and relaxing. I don't know what we'll do or if she will still like me. God I hope so.

Mom and Alyssa come down the stairs and as a family, we walk towards the elevator. The doors slide open and we all enter.

The ride is fast and smooth. In less than 30 seconds, we are on the training room level. We exit the elevator and I am shocked that there are so many people here.

Someone pins the number 12 on my back. I stand with my family and look at the other tributes. We are all in a circle, waiting for any last minute tributes coming in late.

I see the Odairs come out of the elevator after about 4 minutes of waiting. They get the number 4 pinned to their backs and find a spot in our circle of tributes.

Then, a woman starts saying things about the training stations. I don't listen because it is all common sense, really. I look at Camille and see looks back at me. She gives me a small smile and mouths the word "Hey."

I mouth "Hey" back and she smiles some more. Finally, the woman releases us. I stay where I am and notice that Camille does the same.

She walks over to me. "Wanna train together?" She asks me. She is really brave. How?

"Sure." I say. "I am not good at anything about survival. Just a quick warning."

She laughs. "I can teach you a few things."

She leads me over to the rope tying station. "Since you don't know anything about survival, you are going to learn how to tie knots." She explains.

"Tying knots aren't hard." I state.

"To some people they are. If you think it is so easy, then tie a knot." She says. I chuckle.

I grab a piece of rope and tie a knot. She laughs when I am finished. "Done." I say.

"Quick question. What is this knot?" She asks me.

"A knot." I answer. She laughs again.

"I mean, what type of knot is it? I don't seem to recognize it." She says.

"I don't know. Some knot." I simply say. She rolls her eyes and takes a piece of rope.

"Let me show you a few types of knots." She says.

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