Chapter 46

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Katniss's P.O.V

I run as fast as I can. I dodge trees and jump over tree roots. Johanna is right beside me and Matthew is behind me, carrying Alyssa on his back.

We all run away from the thing. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't like us.

We run for I don't know who long. My lungs feel like they are going to burst, but I push myself to run. I have to. There is no other way.

I stop running. I can't breath and my legs feel like jelly. I lean my back against a tree. I take deep slow breaths. I know that I am screwed.

Johanna stops running right by me, breathing heavily. I look around and don't see Matthew and Alyssa. Where are they?

Johanna looks in the direction we just came from. The thing isn't coming at us. Did it give up?

Then, Matthew comes running straight at us. He almost runs into me, but I steady him. He is breathing harder than Johanna and I were earlier. Then, I notice something. Alyssa isn't with him.

"Where is Alyssa?" I ask. When I ask this, my voice cracks. Running from that thing made me even more dehydrated.

Matthew looks scared. What did he do? Where is my Alyssa? "I, um, told her to... run away to safety." He says.

He what?!?! I can't believe it. He told my daughter to run away into the forest by herself?!

My eyes go wide. I almost lunge at him. If I wasn't so tired, I probably would have. "How could you?" I ask hoarsely.

"I had to. Otherwise, we would have been eaten by the beast." He says.

I sigh. I am not in the mood to talk to him.

Something floats down right in front of me. It lands on the forest floor. I bend over to pick it up. It is a gift from a sponsor.

The gift is small. And extremely familiar.

I take a knife that was on my belt and use it to make the spile stay in a tree. After a few hits, the spile sticks.

A drop. A dribble. A stream. A gush. Water starts to come out of the spile. I put my head under it and start to drink the cold, refreshing water. After a couple seconds, I let Johanna and Matthew get a drink.

Once everyone is fully hydrated, I take the spile out of the tree and secure it to my belt. I am still mad at Matthew for sending Alyssa out into the forest by herself.

Matthew, Johanna, and I start to walk in a random direction. I think we all are wide awake now.

What danger awaits us next?

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