Chapter 20

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Matthew's P.O.V

I wake up to early. I can feel it. I look at the clock by my bed and it reads 5:00 a.m. I was right. Too early.

I lay there and think about what will happen today. What should I learn? What should I improve on? I'll find out today.

After about thirty minutes of just laying there, I get up. I can't stay in bed long.

I walk into my bathroom and take a long, hot shower. I try out new buttons on the shower panel to see what they do. After about an hour, I get out. I brush my teeth and go into my bedroom.

I head towards the closet and find some black workout pants, a black sleeveless T-shirt, and running shoes. I look at the time and it is 7:00 a.m. I look out at one of the big windows.

The sun is starting to rise. I see people already on the streets and cars going by. This place looks so unreal.

People having plastic surgery and colored haired and skin. It's so artificial.

I hear Effie knock on my door. "Up, up, up! It's going to be a big, big, big day!" She says. That's already annoying.

I walk to the door and open it. I head towards the dining room and see a buffet set out. I pick up a plate and begin to fill it. I am just sitting down at the table when Alyssa comes in.

She looks terrible. Her eyes have dark circles around them and she looks really scared. "What's wrong with you? You look terrible." I say.

"I didn't sleep well last night." She simply says.

"There's more to it. I can tell." I say.

"Just shut up! I am not in the mood." She snaps. That shocks me. She never snaps at anyone. Not even me.

"Just tell me what is going on and I won't bother you." I say.

"I don't believe you but fine. I watch some old Hunger Games last night and saw your lover's games. Let's just say that she deserves "the lethal killer" title." Alyssa explains. She watched her games!? What was she thinking?

Even I haven't seen that game. My mom and dad didn't let even me watch it let alone Alyssa. "Did Mom and Dad let you watch that Hunger Games?" I ask.

Alyssa is sitting across from me and glares at me when I say this. "I thought you said that you would stop bothering me if I told you what was wrong!" She snaps again.

"Wrong about what?" My mom asks. She has just entered the room with Dad

"Alyssa watched Camille's Hunger Games last night." I tell Mom. She would have wanted to know. Might as well make it now.

"What the hell!? Did you have to tell her!?" Alyssa shouts.

"What did you just say?" Mom asks. Alyssa blushes and pushes away from table. She stands up and points at me.

"Forget about what I said and did. This boy right here kissed the lethal killer. And I saw it!" Alyssa announces. I Instate at her with my mouth open. She. Did. Not.

"Alyssa. Go up to your room and do not order room service or bring your food with you." Mom orders. Alyssa mumbles something under her breath and stomps up to her room.

"Matthew, is what she said true?" My father asks me.

"Yeah." I say, sighing in defeat. "Am I in trouble?"

"In trouble? Why would you be in trouble?" My dad asks.

"Because I am dating a girl that's not from my district?" I guess.

"And that would be a problem how?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say.

"I want you to continue seeing her. I don't know how long my life will be let alone yours. Live it." My dad says.

"I am going to talk to Alyssa." My mom says. She gets up and walks up to Alyssa's room. I look at my dad and he is eating.

"How do I get to know her better? She will basically be with the Careers. " I say.

"Not all the time. Let me tell you what to do." He says.

Then, he tells me everything I needed to know.

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